Class 11 | PHYSICS |
DC PANDEY ENGLISH | Solved Papers 2017(JIPMER) |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 2
A rocket is intended to leave the Earth's garvitational field.The fuel in its main engine is a little less than the amount that is necessary and an auxliary engine, (only capable of operating for a short time) has to be used as well.When is it best to switch on the auxiliary engine?View SolutionQuestion 3
A cyindrical tube of uniform cross-sectional area A is fitted with two air tight frictionless pistons. The pistons are connected to each other by a metallic wire. Initially the pressure of the gas is p0 and temperature is T0. Atmospheric pressure is also p0. Now the temperature of the gas is increased to 2T0, the tension in the wire will beQuestion 9
A skier starts from rest at point A and slides donw the hill without turning or breaking. The friction coefficient is μ When he stops at point B, his horizontal displacement is S. whalt is the height difference between points A and B?Question 20
Two identical glass spheres filled with air are connected by a thin horizontal glass tube the glass tube contains a pellet of mercury at its mid-point Air in one sphere is at 0∘C and the other is at 20∘C if temperature of both the vessels are increased by 10∘C then neglecting the expansions of the bulbs and the tubeView SolutionQuestion 23
A long block A of mass M is at rest on a smooth horizontal surface.A small block B of mass M/2 is placed on A at one end and projected along A with some veklocity v.The coefficient of friction between the block is μ then , the accelerations of blocks A and B before reaching a common velocity will be respectivelyQuestion 26
A Stick of length L and mass M lies on a fnctionless horizontal surface on which it is free to move in any way. A ball of mass m moving with speed v collides elastically with the stick as shownin figure-5.115. If after the collision ball comes to rest, then what should be the mass of the ball ?