Class 11 | PHYSICS |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 12
A hollow right circular cone of height h and of semivertical angle θ is placed with its base on a horizontal table. If the cone is filled with a liquid of density ρ and the weight of the empty cone is equal to the weight of the liquid that it contains, find the thrust of the liquid on the base of the cone and the pressure exerted on the table.View SolutionQuestion 15
A large container with a cylindrical mouth is filled with water and closed with a piston. A vertical tube is now inserted through the piston. The radius of the tube is 5 cm, the radius of the piston is 10 cm and the mass of the pistoon is 20 kg. To what height will the water rise insdie the tube?View SolutionQuestion 17
A U-tube is partially filled with mercury. Kerosene oil is poured into one of its limbs and glycerine into the other. It is observed that, when the height of the kerosene oil becomes 20 cm and that of glycerine becomes 12.68 cm, the levels of the mercury column in the two limbs are at the same horizontal level. If the density of kerosene oil is 0.8g⋅cm−3, then find that of glycerine.View SolutionQuestion 19
The cross-section of the two limbs of a U-tube are 3cm2and1cm2 respectively. Keeping the tube vertical, some mercury is poured into it. Now 60cm3 of water is poured into the wider limb. To what height will the mercury rise in the narrow limb? The density of mercury = 13.6g⋅cm−3.View SolutionQuestion 20
One of the two limbs of a U-tube of uniform bore is closed by means of a cork. Some water and paraffin oil are in the tube. Water level in the open tube is 2 cm higher than that in the closed tube and a 10 cm column of paraffin is above it. If the cork is removed, then by what height will the level of water in the closed limb rise or fall? (Density of paraffin = 0.8g⋅cm−3)View SolutionQuestion 21
A vertical U-tube of uniform cross-section contains mercury in both its arms. A glycerine (density = 1.3g⋅cm−3) column of height 10 cm is introduced into one of the arms. Oil of density 0.8g⋅cm−3 is poured into the other arm until the upper surfaces of oil and glycerine are at the same level. Find the height of the oil column. The density of mercury is 13.6g⋅cm−3.View SolutionQuestion 22
The cross-sections of the two sides of a U-tube are 1cm2and0.1cm2 respectively. Some water is poured inside the tube when it rise to the same height in both the limbs. What volume of a liquid of density 0.85g⋅cm−3 should be poured into the wider limb so that the water level rises by 15 cm in the narrow limb?View SolutionQuestion 23
The cross-sectional area of the left limb of a U-tube is one-third of that of its right limb. It contains some mercury. The empty space in the left limb measures to 40 cm. If water is poured to fill it up, then find the rise of the mercury column in the right limb. (Specific gravity of mercury = 13.6)View SolutionQuestion 25
Two cylindrical vessels of the same type contain a liquid of density ρ. The bases of both the vessels lie on the same horizontal plane. The depth of the liquid in the left vessel is h1 and that in the right vessel is h2. The area of cross-section of the base of each vessel is A. If the vessels are connected by a tube, then how much is the work done by gravity to equalize the levels of the liquid in the vessels (suppose h1>h2)?View SolutionQuestion 30
A hydraulic automobile lift is used to life a car of mass 3000kg. The cross-sectional area of the piston on which the car is supported is 425cm2. What pressure would the smaller piston have to bear if the bigger piston with the car is 3m above the smaller piston? The density of the oil filling the hydraulic machine is 800kg⋅m−3. Let the pistons be of equal mass.View SolutionQuestion 43
A solid spherical ball having density d and volume v floats on the interface of two immiscible liquids. The density of the liquid in the upper portion is d1 and that of the liquid in the lower portion is d2. What parts of the ball will remain in the liquids in the upper and lower portions respectively, if d1<d<d2?View SolutionQuestion 50
When a loaded cargo ship enters a river from the sea, it sinks by a length x. When the ship is totallly unloaded, it rises by a length y. When the unloaded ship again enters the sea, it rises by z cm more. If the density of water of the river is ρw and the body of the ship is vertical, show that the density of sea water is yρw(z−x+y).View SolutionQuestion 51
A cubical steel block floats on mercury erectly. If each side of the cube is 10 cm, (i) how much of the body is above the mercury surface? (ii) If water is poured over mercury and it just covers the upper surface of the cube, then what will be the depth of the water column? Densities of steel and mercury are 7.8g⋅cm−3and13.6g⋅cm−3 respectively.View SolutionQuestion 52
A and B are two cylinders identical in size but made of different materials. A floats with half of itself immersed in a liquid. When B is placed on A, both the cylinders remain floating in the liquid, but completely immersed in it. Compare the density of the liquid and the densities of the materials of A and B.View SolutionQuestion 59
A glass test tube with a plane base has a diameter of 4 cm and mass 30 g. Centre of gravity of the empty test tube is at a height of 10 cm from the base. Find the amount of water to be taken in the test tube so that when it floats vertially, its centre of gravity shifts to the midpoint of the immersed portionof the tube. View SolutionQuestion 62
From the two arms of a beam balance, a metal body weighing 20 g and a piece of glass are suspended. The apparent weights of these two bodies when measured in water are found to be the same. If immersed in alcohol instead of water, the mass of the metal needs to be increased by 0.84 g for balancing the beam. Calculate the mass of the glass piece. [Given, density of water = 1g⋅cm−3, density of alcohol = 0.96g⋅cm−3]View SolutionQuestion 63
A piece of silver weighing 105 gf and another piece of glass weighing 130 gf are placed on the right and left pan of a balance respectively. Which pan will move down when the balance is immersed in water? [Given, the density of silver, ρ1=10.5g⋅cm−3 and density of glass, ρ2=2.6g⋅cm−3]View Solution