Class 11 | PHYSICS |
Chapter | ARCHIVES 2 VOLUME 6 |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 21
A uniform cylinder of length (L) and mass (M) having cross sectional area (A) is suspended, with its length vertical, from a fixed point by a massless spring, such that it is half - submerged in a liquid of density (rho) at equilibrium position. When the cylinder is given a small downward push and released it starts oscillating vertically with small amplitude. If the force constant of the spring is (k), the prequency of oscillation of the cylindcer is.View SolutionQuestion 22
A highly rigid cubical block A of small mass M and side L is fixed rigidly on the other cubical block of same dimensions and of modulus of rigidity η such that the lower face of A completely covers the upper face of B. The lower face of B is rigidly held on a horizontal surface . A small force F is applied perpendicular to one of the side faces of A. After the force is withdrawn , block A executes faces of A. After the force is withdrawn , block A exceutes small oscillations , the time period of which is given byView SolutionQuestion 24
One end of a long metallic wire of length L is tied to the ceiling. The other end is tied to massless spring of spring constant k. A mass m hangs freely from the free end of the spring . The area of cross-section and Young's modulus of the wire are A and Y respectively . If the mass is slighty pulled down and released , it will oscillate with a time period T equal to View SolutionQuestion 25
An object of specific gravity ρ is hung from a thin steel wire. The fundamental frequency for transverse standing waves in the wire is 300 Hz. The object is immersed in water, so that one half of its volume is submerged . The new fundamental frequency (in Hz) isQuestion 27
An open pie is suddenly closed at one end with the result that the frequency of third harmonic of the closed pipe is found to be heigth by 100HZ than the fundamental frequency of the open pipe. The fundamental frequency of the open pipe isQuestion 35
A train moves towards a stationary observer with speed 34m/s. The train sound a whistle and its frequency registered by the observer by the observer is f1. If the train's speed is reduced to 17m/s, the frequency registered is f2. If the speed of sound is 340m/s, then the ratio f1/f2 is View SolutionQuestion 36
Two vibrating strings of the same material but lengths L and 2L have radii 2 r and r respectively. They are strectched under the same tension. Both the strings vibrate in their fundamental modes, the one of length L with frequency n1 and the other with frequency n2. The ratio n1/n2 is given byQuestion 43
A somoneter wire resonates with a given tuning fork forming standing waves with five antindoes between the two bridges when a mass of 9 kg is suspended from the wire. Resonates with the same tuning fork forming three antindoes for the same postions of the bridges. the value of M is View SolutionQuestion 44
Question 45
In the experiment for the determination of the speed of sound in air using the resonance column method, the length of the air column that resonates in the fundamental mode, with a tunning fork is 0.1m . When this length is changed to 0.35m, the same tunning fork resonates with the first overtone. calculate the end correction.Question 48
A pipe of length l1, closed at one end is kept in a chamber of gas of density ρ1. A second pipe open at both ends is placed in a second chamber of gas of density ρ2. The compressibility of both the gases is equal. Calculate the length of the second pipe if frquency of first overtone in both the cases is equal.View SolutionQuestion 52
A massless rod of kngth L is suspended by two identical strings AB and CD of equal length. A block of mass m is suspended from point O such that BO is equal to 'x'. Further it is observed that the frequency of 1st harmonic in AB is equal to 2nd harmonic frequency in CD, 'x' isQuestion 54
A transverse sinusoidal wave moves along a string in the positive x-direction at a speed of 10cm/s. The wavelength of the wave is 0.5 m and its amplitude is 10cm. At a particular time t,the snapshot of the wave is shown in figure. The velocity of point P when its displacement is 5 cm isQuestion 55
A vibrating string of certain length l under a tension T resonates with a mode corresponding to the first overtone (third harmonic ) of an air column of length 75cm inside a tube closed at one end. The string also generates 4beats/s with a tuning fork of frequency n . Now when the tension of the string is slightly increased the number of beats reduces to 2 per second. Assuming the velocity of sound in air to 340m/s , the frequency n the tuning fork in HZ isQuestion 56
A block (B) is attached to two unstriched sprig S1 and S2 with spring constant K and 4K , respectively (see fig 1) The other ends are atteched in identical support M1 and M2 not attached in the walls . The springs and supports have negligible mass . There is no friction anywhere . The block B is displaced toword wall 1 by a small distance x (figure (ii)) and released . The block return and moves a maximum distance y towards wall 2.Displacements x and y are measured the equalibrum of the block B and the ratio y/x isQuestion 58
two light identical springs of spring constant K are attached horizontally at the two ends of a uniform horizontal rod AB of length l and mass m. the rod is pivoted at its centre 'o' and can rotate freely in horizontal plane . The other ends of the two springs are fixed to rigid supportss as shown in figure . the rod is gently pushed through a small angle and released , the frequency of resulting oscillation is :Question 59
A hollow pipe of length 0.8m is closed at one end. At its open end a 0.5m long uniform string is vibrating in its second harmonic and it resonates with the fundamental frequency of the pipe. If the tension in the wire is 50N and the speed of sound is 320ms−1, the mass of the string is View SolutionQuestion 63
A small block is connected to one end of a massless spring of un - stretched length 4.9m. The other end of the spring (see the figure) is fixed. The system lies on a horizontal frictionless surface. The block is stretched by 0.2m and released from rest at t=0. It then executes simple harmonic motion with angular frequency (ω)=(π/3)rad/s. Simultaneously at t=0, a small pebble is projected with speed (v) from point (P) at an angle of 45∘ as shown in the figure. Point (P) is at a horizontal distance of 10momO. If the pebble hits the block at t=1s, the value of (v) is (takeg=10m/s2).Question 64
A student is performing the experiment of resonance column. The diameter of the column tube is 4cm. The frequency of the tuning fork is 512Hz The air temperature is 38.∘C in which the speed of sound is 336m/s. The zero of the meter scale coincides with the top end of the resonance column tube. When the first resonance occurs, the reading of the water level in the column is.Question 70
A wave is represented by the equationQuestion 71
Two identical straight wires are stretched so as to products 6beats/s when vibrating simultaneously. On changing the tension slightly in one of them, the beat frequency remains unchanged. Denoting by , T1 the higher and T2 the lower, initial tensions in the strings, then it could be said that that while making the above changes in tension View SolutionQuestion 72
A sound wave of frequency f travels horizontally to the right . It is teflected from a larger vertical plane surface moving to left with a speed v. the speed of sound in medium is cQuestion 74
The (x,y) co-ordinates of the corners of a square plate are (0,0),(L,0), (L,L) and (0,L). The edges of the plate are clamped and transverse standing waves are set up in it. If u(x,y) denotes the displacement of the plate at the point (x,y) at some instant of time, the possible expression (s) for u is (are) (a=positiveconstant)View SolutionQuestion 76
y(x,t)=0.8[(4x+5t)2+5] represents a moving pulse where x and y are in metre and t in second. Then,choose the correct alternative(s):Question 82
A student performed the experiment to measure the speed of sound in air using resonance air-column method. Two resonances in the air-column were obtained by lowering the water level. The resonance with the shorter air-column is the first resonance and that with the longer air-column is the second resonance. Then,View SolutionQuestion 83
A metal rod of length 'L' and mass 'm' is pivoted at one end. A thin disk of mass 'M' and radius 'R' (< L) is attached at its centre to the free end of the rod. Consider two ways the disc is attached: (case A) - The disc is not free to rotate about its centre and (case B) - the disc is free to rotate about its centre. The rod-disc system after being released from the same displaced position. Which of the following statement(s) is(are) true?Question 85
A particle of mass m is attached to one end of a mass-less spring of force constant k, lying on a frictionless horizontal plane. The other end of the spring is fixed. The particle starts moving horizontally from its equilibrium position at time t=0 with an initial velocity u0. when the speed of the particle is 0.5u0, it collides elastically with a rigid wall. After this collision View SolutionQuestion 86
Two vehicles, each moving with speed u on the same horizontal straight road, are approaching each other. Wind blows along the road with velocity w. One of these vehicles blows a whistle of frequency f1. An observer in the other vehicle hears the frequency of the whistle to be f2. the speed of sound in still air is VC. The correct statement (s) is (are)View SolutionQuestion 90
Two trains AandB moving with speeds 20m/s and 30m/s respectively in the same direction on the same straight track, with B ahead of A. The engines are at the front ends. The engine of train A blows a long whistle.Question 91
Two trains AandB moving with speeds 20m/s and 30m/s respectively in the same direction on the same straight track, with B ahead of A. The engines are at the front ends. The engine of train A blows a long whistle.Question 92
Two trains AandB moving with speeds 20m/s and 30m/s respectively in the same direction on the same straight track, with B ahead of A. The engines are at the front ends. The engine of train A blows a long whistle.Question 93
When a particle is mass m moves on the x− axis in a potential of the from V(x)=kx2, it performs simple harmonic motion. The corresponding thime periond is proportional to √mk, as can be seen easily asing dimensional analysis. However, the motion of a pariticle can be periodic even when its potential enem increases on both sides x=0 in a way different from kx2 and its total energy is such that the particel does not escape to infinity. consider a particle of mass m moving onthe x−axis . Its potential energy is V(x)=ω(α>0) for |x| near the origin and becomes a constant equal to V0 for |x|≥X0 (see figure)Question 94
When a particle of mass m moves on the x-axis in potential of the from V(x)=kx2 it performs simple harmonic motion. The corresponding time period is proportional to m,k as can be seen easily using dimensional analysis. However, the motion of a particle can be periodic even when its potential energy increases on both sides of x=0 in a way different from kx2 and its total energy is such that the particle does not escape to infinity. Consider a particle of mass m moving on the x-axis. Its potential energy is V(x)=∝x4(∝>0)o|x| near the origin and becomes a constant equal to V0for|x|≥X0 (see Fig. 8.12).Question 95
When a particle of mass m moves on the x-axis in a potential of the form V(x)=kx2 it performs simple harmonic motion. The correspondubing time period is proprtional to √mh, as can be seen easily using dimensional analusis. However, the motion of a particle can be periodic even when its potential energy increases on both sides of x=0 in a way different from kx2 and its total energy is such that the particle does not escape toin finity. Consider a particle of mass m moving on the x-axis. Its potential energy is V(x)=ax4(a>0) for |x| neat the origin and becomes a constant equal to V0 for |x|impliesX_(0)(seefigure).<br><imga≤ocr_imageload∈g=lazysrc=≤=background:white;>.<br>Theae≤rationofthisparti≤for|x|gtX_(0)is<br>(a)∝rtional→V_(0)Question 96
Phase space diagrams are useful tools in analysing all kinds of dynamical problems. They are especially useful in studying the changes in motion as initial position and momentum are changed. Here we consider some simple dynamical systems in one dimension. For such systems, phase space is a plane in which position is plotted along horizontal axis and momentum in plotted along vertical the axis.Question 97
Phase space deagrams are useful toolsQuestion 98
Phase space diagrams are useful tools in analysing all kinds of dynamical problems. They are especially useful in studying the changes in motion as initial position and momentum are changed. Here we consider some simple dynamical systems in one dimension. For such systems, phase space is a plane in which position is plotted along horizontal axis and momentum in plotted along vertical the axis.Question 100
A stationary source is emitting sound at a fixed frequency fo, which is reflected by two cars approaching the source. The difference between the frequencies of sound reflected from the cars is 1.2 % of fo. What is the difference in the speeds of the cars (in km per hour) to the nearest integer? Thee cars are moving at constant speeds much smaller than the speed of sound which is 330 ms−1 View SolutionQuestion 102
A 0.1kg mass is suspended from a wire of negligible mass. The length of the wire is 1m and its cross - sectional area is 4.9×10−7m2. If the mass is pulled a little in the vertically downward direction and released , it performs SHM with angular frequency 140rads−1. If the young's modulus of the material of the wire is p×109Nm−2, find the value of p. View Solution