Class 11 | PHYSICS |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 2
A vertical U tube of uniform cross section contains mercury in both of its arms. A glycerine (d=1.3g/cm3) column of length 10cm is introduced into one of the arms. Oil of density 0.8g/cm3 is poured in the other arm until the upper surfaces of the oil and glycerine are in the same horizontal level. Find the length of oil column. Densit of mercury is 13.6g/cm3.Question 3
Two communicating cylindrical tubes contain mercury. The diameter of one vessel is four times large than the diameter of the outer. A column of water of height 70cm is poured into the narrow vessel. How much wil the mercury level rise in the other vessel and how much will it sink in the narow one? How much will the mercury level rise in the narrow vessel, if a column of water of the same height is pured into the broad vessel?Question 5
In a simple hydraulic press, the cross sectional area of the two cylinders is 5×10−1m2 and 10−2m2 respectively. A force of 20N is applied at the small plunger.Question 13
Figure shows a cross sectional view of a masonry dam whose length perpendiclar to te diagram is 30m. The depth of the water behind te dam is 10m. the masonry of which is the dam is constructed has a density of 3000kg/m3.Question 18
A cylindrical tank of radius 20cm and height 50cm has water up to 30cm of height. What will be the rise in level of liquid at the periphery if the cylinder be given an angular velocity of 10rads−1? Also determine the frequency of rotation when water just starts spilling over the sides of the vessel.View SolutionQuestion 19
A cylindrical vessel of diameter 0.3m and height 0.6m is filled two thirds with a liquid of specific gravity 0.8. The vessel is rotated about its axis. a. Determine the speed of rotation when the liquid just starts spilling. b.Find the speed of rotation when the base is just visible. c. What is the percentate of liquid left in the vessel?View SolutionQuestion 21
A beaker containing water is placed on the pan of a balance which shows a reading of M. A lump of sugar of mass m ad volume v is now suspend by a thread (from an independent support) in such a way that it is completely immersed in water without touching the beaker and without any overflow of water. How will the reading change as time passes on?View SolutionQuestion 23
A liquid of density ρ is filled in a beaker of cross section S to a height H and then a cylinder of mass m and corss section s is made to float in it as shown in figure. It the atmospheric pressure is p0, find the pressure a at the top face A of the cylinder b at the botom face C of the cylinder and c. at the base B of the beaker. Can ever these three pressures be equal?Question 25
A cubical block of wood 10cm along each side floats at the interface between an oil and water with its lowest surface 2cm below the interface. If the height of oil and water columns are 10cm each and ρoil=0.8gcc, find a the mass of the block, b. the liquid pressure at the lower surface of the block.View SolutionQuestion 28
A rod of length 6m has a mass of 12kg. It is hined at one end of the rod at a distance of 3m below the water surface.Question 29
A vessel contains two immisible liquids of density ρ1=1000kgm−3 and ρ2=1500kgm(−3). A solid block of volume V=10m3 and density d = 800kgm−3 is tied to on end of a string and other end is tied to the bottom of the vessel. The block is immersed with 2/5th of its volume in the liquid of higher density and 3/5th in the liquid of lower density. The entire system is kept in an elevator which is moving upwards with an acceleration ao a = g/2. The tension in the string is (take g = 10ms−2).View SolutionQuestion 30
A solid sphere of mass m=2kg and density ρ=500kg/m3 is held stationary relative to a tank filled with water. The tank is acceerating upward with acceleration 2m/s2. CalculateQuestion 32
A broad pipe having a radius 10cm branches into two pipes of radii 5cm and 3cm. If the velocity of flowing water in the pipe of radius 3cm is 5cm/s, determine the velocities of water in the remaining two pipes. Given that the rate of discharge through the main branch is 600πcm3/s.View SolutionQuestion 35
A horizontal cylinder of length l contains water. On the left a constant force F is applied on the piston and on the right there is a small hole of area a. What is the velocity of the piston? Hence, calculate the work done in emptying the vessel in time t. brgtQuestion 39
The side wall of a wide vertical vessel of height h=75cm a narrow slit (vertical) running all the way down to the bottom of the vessel.Question 40
A homogeneous solid cylinder of length L(LltH/2), cross-sectional area A/5 is immersed such that it floats with its axis vertical at the liquid-liquid interface with length L/4 in the denser liquid as shown in the figure. The lower density liquid is open to atmosphere having pressure P0. Then density D of solid is given byQuestion 41
A container of large uniform cross sectonal area A, resting on horizontal surface, holds two immiscible non viscous and incompresible liquids of density d and 2d, each of height H2 as shown in the figure. The lower density liquid is open to the atmosphere having pressure P0. A tiny hole of area s(s<<A) is punched on the vertical side of the container at a height h(h<H2). DetermineQuestion 42
A large open top container of negligible mass and uniform cross sectional area A a has a small hole of cross sectional area A/100 in its side wall near the bottom. The container is kept on a smooth horizontal floor and contains a liquid of density ρ and mass M0. Assuming that the liquid starts flowing out horizontally through the hole at t=0, calculate a the acceleration of the container and its velocity when 75% of the liquid has drained out. View SolutionQuestion 43
A wooden stick of length L, radius R and density ρ has a small metal piece of mass m ( of negligible volume) atached to its one end. Find the minimum value for the mass m (in terms of given parameters) that would make the stick float vertically in equilibrium in a liquid of density σ(>ρ).View SolutionQuestion 44
A uniform solid cylinder of density 0.8g/cm3 floats in equilibrium in a combination of two non-mixing liquids A and B with its axis vertical.Question 45
Consider a horizontally oriented syringe containing water locate at a height of 1.25m above the ground. Thediameter of the plunger is 8mm and the diameter of the nozzle is 2mm. The plunger is pushed with a constant speed of 0.25m/s. Find the horizontal range of water stream on the grond. Take g=10m/s2Question 46
A non-viscous liquid of constant density 1000kg/m3 flows in a streamline notion along a tube of variable cross-section. The tube is kept inclined in the vertical plane as shown in the figure. The area of cross-section of the tube at two points P and Q at heights of 2m and 5m are respectively 4×103m2 and 8×10−3m2. The velocity of the liquid at point P is 1m/s. Find the work done per unit volume by the pressure and the gravity forces as the fluid flows from point P to Q. Take g=9.8m/s2.