Class 11 | PHYSICS |
Chapter | ARCHIVES 1 VOLUME 6 |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 5
The earth receives its surface radiation from the sun at the rate of 1400 W/m2. The distance of the centre of the sun from the surface of the earth is 1.5×1011 m and the radius of the sun is 7.0×108 m. Treating sun as a black body, it follows from the above data that its surface temeperature is View SolutionQuestion 6
A solid copper sphere of density ρ, specific heat c and radius r is at temperature T1. It is suspended inside a chamber whose walls are at temperature 0K. What is the time required for the temperature of sphere to drop to T2? Take the emmissivity of the sphere to be equal to e.View SolutionQuestion 7
A point source of heat of power P is placed at the centre of a spherical shell of mean radius R. The material of the shell has thermal conductivity K. Calculate the thickness of the shell if temperature difference between the outer and inner surfaces of the shell in steady state is T. View SolutionQuestion 9
A container of volume V is divided into two equal parts by a screen. One part has an ideal gas at 300K and the other part is vacuum. The whole system is thermally isolated from the surroundings. When the screen is removed, the gas expands to occupy the whole volume. Its temperature will now be .......View SolutionQuestion 10
An ideal gas with pressure P, volume V and temperature T is expanded isothermally to a volume 2V and a final pressure Pi, If the same gas is expanded adiabatically to a volume 2V, the final pressure Pa. The ratio of the specific heats of the gas is 1.67. The ratio PaP1 is .......View SolutionQuestion 11
Two metal cubes A and B of same size are arranged as shown in Figure. The extreme ends of the combination are maintained at the indicated temperatures. The arrangement is thermally insulated. The coefficients of thermal conductivity of A and B are 300W/m∘Cand200W/m∘C, respectively. After steady state is reached the temperature t of the interface will be ......Question 12
A ring shaped tube contain two ideal gases with equal masses and molar masses M1=32andM2=28.Question 13
A gas thermometer is used as a standard thermometer for measurement of temperature. When the gas container of the thermometer is immersed in water at its triple point 273.16K, the pressure in the gas thermometer reads 3.0×104N/m2. When the gas container of the same thermometer is immersed in another system, the gas pressure reads 3.5×104N/m2. The temperature of this system is therefore __________.∘C.View SolutionQuestion 28
A cylinder of radius R made of a material of thermal conductivity K1 is surrounded by a cylindrical shell of inner radius R and outer radius 2R made of a material of thermal conductivity K2. The two ends of the combined system are maintained at two different temperatures. There is no loss of heat across the cylindrical surface and the system is in steady state. The effective thermal conductivity of the system isQuestion 30
Three closed vessels (A),(B) and C are at the same temperature (T) and contain gases which obey Maxwell distribution law of velocities. Vessel (A) contains O2, (B) only (N_2) and (C ) mixture of equal quantities of O2 and N2.Iftheavera≥speedoftheO_(2) molecules in vessel (A) is v_(1)tˆofN_(2)mo≤ce–s∈vessel(B)isv_(2).thentheavera≥speedoftheO_(2) molecules in vessel (C) is.View SolutionQuestion 31
Three rods of identical area of cross-section and made from the same metal from the sides of an isosceles triangle. ABC, right angled at B. The points A and B are maintained at temperatures T and √2T RESPECTIVELY. In the steady state the temperature of the point C is TC.Question 32
Two metallic spheres S1andS2 are made of the same material and have got identical surface finish. The mass of S1 is thrice that of S2. Both the spheres are heated to the same high temperature and placed in the same room having lower temperature but are thermally insulated from each other. the ratio of the initial rate of cooling of S1 to that of S2 isQuestion 40
Two identical cylinders A and B with frictionless pistons contain the same ideal gas at the same temperature and the same voluem V. The mass of gas AismAandtˆofBismB .The gs in eah cylinder is notw allowed to expand isothermally to the same final volume 2V . The change in the pressure in A and B are found ot be ΔPand1.5ΔP respecitvely ThenView SolutionQuestion 41
Two cylinders A and B fitted with pistons contain equal amounts of ideal diatomic gas at 300K. The piston of A is free to move while that of B is held fixed, The same amount of heat is given to the gas in each cylinder. If the rise in temperature of the gas in A is 30K, then the rise in temperature of the gas in B isView SolutionQuestion 44
A monatomic ideal gas, initially at temperature T1 is enclosed in a cylinder fitted with a frictionless pistion. The gas is allowed to expand adiabatically to a temperature T2. By releasing the piston suddenly. IF L1 and L2 are th lengths of the gas column before and after expansion respectively, then T1/T2 is given by View SolutionQuestion 49
Three rods made of the same material and having the same cross-section have been joined as shown in the figure. Each rod is of the same length. The left and right ends are kept at 0∘C and 90∘C, respectively. The temperature of junction of the three rods will beQuestion 55
The graph, shown in the adjacement diagram, represents the variation of temperature (T) of two bodies, x and y having same surface area, with time (t) due to the emissions of radiation. Find the correct relation b etween the emissivity (e) and absorpitivity (a) of two bodiesQuestion 56
Two rods, one of aluminium and the other made of steel, having initial length l1andl2 are connected together to from a single rod of length l1+l2. The coefficients of linear expansion for aluminium and steel are αaandαs and respectively. If the length of each rod increases by the same amount when their temperature are raised by t0C, then find the ratio l1/(l1+l2) View SolutionQuestion 58
2kg of ice at −20∘C is mixed with 5kg of water at 20∘C in an insulating vessel having a negligible heat capacity. Calculate the final mass of water remaining in the container. It is given that the specific heats of water & ice are 1kcal/kg/∘C and 0.5Question 59
Three discs, A, B and C having radii 2m, 4m and6m respectively are coated with carbon black on their outer surfaces. The wavelengths corresponding to maximum intensity are 300nm,400nm and 500nm, respectively. The power radiated by them are QA,QBandQC respectivelyQuestion 71
Three very large plates of same area are kept parallel and close to each other. They are considered as ideal black surfaces and have very high thermal conductivity. The first and third plates are maintained at temperature 2T and 3T respectively. The temperature of the middle (i.e. second) plate under steady state condition isView SolutionQuestion 73
Two moles of ideal helium gas are in a rubber balloon at 30∘C. The balloon is fully expandable and can be assumed to require no energy in its expansion. The temperature of the gas in the balloon is slowly changed to 35∘C. The amount of heat required in raising the temperature is nearly (take RQuestion 74
Two rectangular blocks, having identical dimensions, an be arranged either in configuration-I or in configuration-II as shown in the figure. One of the blocks has thermal conductivity k and the other 2k. The temperature difference between the ends along the x-axis is the same in both the configurations. It takes 9s to transport a certain amount of heat from the hot end to the cold end in the configuration-I. The time to transport the same amount of heat in the configuration-II isQuestion 78
Two bodies A and B have thermal emissivities of 0.01 and 0.81 respectively. The outer surface areas of the two bodies are same. The two bodies emit total radiant power at the same rate. The wavelength λB corresponding to maximum spectral radiancy from B is shifted from the wavelength corresponding to maximum spectral radiancy in the radiation from A by 1.0 μm. If the temperature of A is 5802 K, calculate (a) the temperature of B, (b) wavelength λB. View SolutionQuestion 87
A composite block is made of slabs A,B,C,D and E of different thermal conductivities (given in terms of a constant K and sizes (given in terms of length, L) as shown in the figure. All slabs are of same width. Heat 'Q' flows only from left to right through the blocks. Then in steady stateQuestion 88
The figure below shows the variation of specific heat capacity (C) of a solid as a function of temperature (T). The temperature is increased continuously form 0 to 500K at a constant rate. Ignoring any volume change, the following statement (s) is (are) correct to a reasonable approximation.Question 89
Statement-1: The total translational kinetic energy of fall the molecules of a given mass of an ideal gas is 1.5 times the product of its pressure and its volume because.Question 90
A fixed thermally conducting cylinder has a radius R and height L0. The cylinder is open at its bottom and has a smaller hole at its top. A piston of mass M is held at a distance L from the top surface, as shown in the figure. The atmospheric pressure is P0.Question 91
A fixed thermally conducting cylinder has a radius R and height L0. The cylinder is open at its bottom and has a smaller hole at its top. A piston of mass M is held at a distance L from the top surface, as shown in the figure. The atmospheric pressure is P0.Question 92
A fixed thermally conducting cylinder has a radius R and height L0. The cylinder is open at its bottom and has a smaller hole at its top. A piston of mass M is held at a distance L from the top surface, as shown in the figure. The atmospheric pressure is P0.Question 93
A metal rod AB of length 10x has its one end A in ice at 0∘C, and the other end B in water at 100∘C. If a point P one the rod is maintained at 400∘C, then it is found that equal amounts of water and ice evaporate and melt per unit time. The latent heat of evaporation of water is 540cal/g and latent heat of melting of ice is 80cal/g. If the point P is at a distance of λx from the ice end A, find the value λ. [Neglect any heat loss to the surrounding.] View SolutionQuestion 96
Steel wire of length 'L' at 40∘C is suspended from the ceiling and then a mass 'm' is hung from its free end. The wire is cooled down from 40∘C→30∘C to regain its original length 'L'. The coefficient of linear thermal expansion of the steel is 10−5/∘C, Young's modulus of steel is 1011N/m2 and radius of the wire is 1mm. Assume that L>> diameter of the wire. Then the value of 'm' in kg is nearly View Solution