Class 10 | CHEMISTRY |
NCERT EXEMPLAR CHEMISTRY | Chemical Reactions And Equations |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 5
Three beakers labelled as A, B and C each containing 25 mL of water were taken. A small amount of NaOH, anhydrous CuSO4 and NaCl were added to the beakers A, B and C respectively. It was observed that there was an increase in the temperature of the solutions contained in beakers A and B, whereas in case of beaker C, the temperature of the solution falls. Which one of the followig statement (s) is (are) correct?Question 8
Which among the following statement (s) is /are true? Exposure of silver chloride to sunlight for a long duration turns grey due toQuestion 9
Solid calcium oxide reacts vigorously with water to form calcium hydroxide accompanied by liberation of heat. This process is called slaking of lime. Calcium hydroxide dissolves in water to form its solution called lime water. Which among the following are true about slaking of lime and the solution formed?Question 10
Barium chloride on reacting with ammonium sulphate forms barium sulphate and ammonium chloride. Which of the following correctly represents the type of the reaction involved?Question 19
Write the balanced chemical equations for the following reactions and identify the type of reaction in each case.Question 20
Write the balanced chemical equations for the following reactions and identify the type of reaction in each case.Question 25
Write the balanced chemical equations for the following reaction.Question 31
During the reaction of some metals with dilute hydrochloric acid, following observations were made.Question 33
Write a balanced chemical equation for each of the following reactions and also classify them.Question 36
A magnesium ribbon is burnt in oxygen to give a white compound X accompanied by emission of light. If the burning ribbon is now placed in an atmosphere of nitrogen, it continues to burn and forms a compound Y.Question 38
A silver article generally turns black when kept in the open for a few days. The article when rubbed with toothpaste again starts shining.Question 39
On heating blue coloured powder of copper (II) nitrate in a boiling tube, copper oxide (Black), oxygen gas and a brown gas X is formedQuestion 42
On adding a drop of barium chloride solution to an aqueous solution of sodium sulphite, white precipitate is obtained :