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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples of chapter AREAS OF PARALLELOGRAMS AND TRIANGLES of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

Class 9MATHS
RS AGGARWALSolved Examples
Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Show that the segment joining the mid-points of a pair of opposite sides of a parallelogram, divides it into two equal parallelograms.

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  2. The diagonals of a parallelogram `A B C D` intersect at `Odot` A line through `O` meets `A B\ ` in `x\ a n d\ C D` in `Ydot` Show that `a r\ (A X Y X)=1/2(a r|""|^(gm)\ \ A B C D)`

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  3. Show that a median of a triangle divides it into two triangles of equal area.

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  4. Two triangles on the same base (or equal bases) and between the same parallels are equal in area Now, suppose ABCD is a parallelogram whose one of the diagonals is AC
    (see Fig. 9.20). Let AN ⊥ DC. Note that
    ` /_\ ADC ~= /_\ CBA` (Why?)

    So,` ar (ADC) = ar (CBA)` (Why?)

    Therefore, `ar (ADC) = 1//2 ar (ABCD) = 1//2 (DCxx AN)` (Why?)

    So, area of `/_\ ADC` = 1/2 `xx base DC xx` corresponding altitude `AN`.
    Dusre shabdo mei, area of a triangle is half the product of its base (or any side) and the corresponding altitude (or height). Aapko yaad hoga area of triangle ka formula Class VII ? From this formula, two triangles with same base (or equal bases) and equal areas hai toh unke corresponding altitudes equal honge. Iss result se ek theorem aati hai.

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  5. `ABC` is a triangle in which `D` is the midpoint of `BC` and `E` is the midpoint of `AD`.
    Prove that `ar(triangleBED)=(1)/(4)ar(triangleABC)`.

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  6. In a quadrilateral ABCD, it is being given that M is the midpoint of AC. Prove that

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  7. If the medians of a `triangle ABC` intersect at `G`, show that

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  8. Show that the diagonals of a parallelogram divide it into four triangles of equal area.

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  9. In Figure, `A B C D` is a quadrilateral and `B E||A C` and also `B E` meets `D C` produced at `Edot` Show that area of ` A D E` is equal to the area of the quadrilateral `A B C D`

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  10. In `Delta ABC`, `D` is the mid-point of `AB` and `P` is any point on `BC`. If `CQ || PD` meets `AB` and `Q` (shown in figure), then prove that
    `ar (DeltaBPQ) = (1)/(2) ar (DeltaABC)`.

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  11. A point `O` inside a rectangle `A B C D` is joined to the vertices. Prove that the sum of the areas of a pair of opposite triangles so formed is equal to the sum of the other pair of triangles. Given: A rectangle `A B C D\ a n d\ O` is a point inside it. `O A ,\ O B ,\ O C\ a n d\ O D` have been joined. To Prove: `a r\ (A O D)+\ a r\ ( B O C)=\ a r\ ( A O B)+\ a r( C O D)`

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  12. ABCD is a parallelogram and O is a point in its interior. Prove that
    (i) `ar(triangleAOB)+ar(triangleCOD)`
    `=(1)/(2)ar("||gm ABCD").`
    (ii) `ar(triangleAOB)+ar(triangleCOD)=ar(triangleAOD)+ar(triangleBOC)`.

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  13. If each diagonals of a quadrilateral separates it into two triangles of equal area then show that the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

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  14. If the diagonals `A C ,\ B D` of a quadrilateral `A B C D ,` intersect at `O ,` and separate the quadrilateral into four triangles of equal area, show that quadrilateral `A B C D` is a parallelogram.

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  15. D, E, F are the midpoints of the sides BC, CA and AB respectively of `triangle`ABC. Prove that
    (i) BDEF is a ||gm,
    (ii) `ar(triangleDEF)=(1)/(4) ar(triangleABC) and`
    (iii) `ar("||gm BDEF") = (1)/(2)ar(triangleABC)`

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  16. In Figure, `A B C D E\ ` is a pentagon. A line through `B` parallel to `A C` meets `D C` produced at `Fdot` Show that: `a r\ ( A C B)=a r\ ( A C F)` `a r\ (A E D F)=a r\ (A B C D E)`

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  17. In the adjoining figure, PQRS and PABC are two parallelogram of equal area. Prove that QC||BR.

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  18. In figure, `CD || AE` and `CY || BA`. Prove that `ar (DeltaCBX) = ar (DeltaAXY)`.

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  19. In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a parallelogram and P is any points on BC. Prove that

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  20. In figure, ABCD and AEFD are two parallelograms. Prove that `ar (DeltaPEA) = ar (DeltaQFD)`.

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  21. The side `A B` of a parallelogram `A B C D` is produced to any point `Pdot` A line through `A` and parallel to `C P` meets `C B` produced at `Q` and then parallelogram `P B Q R` is completed as shown in Figure. Show that `a r(|"|"hatgm\ A B C D)=a r\ (|""|^(gm)P B Q R)`

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  22. Let P, Q, R, S be respectively the midpoints of the sides AB, BC, CD and DA of quad. ABCD Show that PQRS is a parallelogram such that
    `ar("||gm PQRS")=(1)/(2)ar("quad. ABCD")`.

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  23. In figure, ABCD and AEFD are two parallelograms. Prove that `ar (DeltaPEA) = ar (DeltaQFD)`.

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  24. In the adjoing figure, two parallelograms ABCD and AEFB are drawn on opposite sides of AB. Prove that
    `ar("||gm ABCD") +ar("||gm AEFB")`
    `=ar("||gm EFCD")`.

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  25. In figure, ABCD and AEFD are two parallelograms. Prove that `ar (DeltaPEA) = ar (DeltaQFD)`.

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  26. Prove that of all parallelograms of which the sides are given, the parallelogram which is rectangle has the greatest area.

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  27. Parallelogram ABCD and rectangle ABEF are on the same base AB and have equal areas. Show that the perimeter of the parallelogram is greater than that of the rectangle.

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  28. X and Y are points on the side LN of the triangle LMN such that LX = XY = YN. Through X, a line is drawn parallel to LM to meet MN at Z (see figure). Prove that `ar (DeltaLZY) = ar (MZYX)`.

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  29. In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. Points P and Q on BC trisect BC. Prove that

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  30. In the adjoining figure, ABC and BDE are two equilateral triangle such that D is the midpoint of BC. If AE intersects BC at F, show that
    `(i) ar(triangleBDE)= (1)/(4)ar(triangleABC)`
    `(ii) ar(triangleBDE)=(1)/(2)ar(triangleBAE)`
    `(iii) ar(triangleABC)=2ar(triangleBEC)`
    `(iv) ar(triangleBFE)=ar(triangleAFD)`
    `(vi) ar(triangleFED)=(1)/(8)ar(triangleAFC)`.

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Solved Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter AREAS OF PARALLELOGRAMS AND TRIANGLES of RS AGGARWAL MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 9