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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Single) of chapter AREA of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Single)
Number Of Questions40
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Area enclosed by the curve `y=f(x)` defined parametrically as `x=(1-t^2)/(1+t^2),y=(2t)/(1+t^2)i se q u a lto` `pis qdotu n i t s` (b) `pi/2s qdotu n i t s` `(3pi)/4s qdotu n i t s` (d) `(3pi)/2s qdotu n i t s`

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  2. Let `f(x)` = minimum `(x+1, sqrt(1-x))" for all "x le 1.` Then the area bounded by `y=f(x)` and the `x-"axis"` is

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  3. The area of the closed figure bounded by `x=-1, y=0, y=x^(2)+x+1`, and the tangent to the curve `y=x^(2)+x+1` at A(1,3) is

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  4. The area bounded by the curve `a^(2)y=x^(2)(x+a)` and the x-axis is

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  5. The area between the curve `y=2x^(4)-x^(2)`, the x-axis, and the ordinates of the two minima of the curve is

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  6. The area of the closed figure bounded by `x=-1x=2,` and `y={{:(-x^(2)+2",",xle1),(2x-1",",xgt1):}` and the abscissa axis is

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  7. The value of the parameter a such that the area bounded by `y=a^(2)x^(2)+ax+1,` coordinate axes, and the line x=1 attains its least value is equal to

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  8. The positive valu of the parameter 'k' for which the area of the figure bounded by the curve `y=sin(kx),x=(2pi)/(3k),x=(5pi)/(3k)` and x-axis is less than 2 can be

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  9. The area bounded by the curve `y=x(1-log_(e)x)` and x-axis is

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  10. The area inside the parabola `5x^(2)-y=0` but outside the parabola `2x^(2)-y+9=0` is

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  11. Area enclosed between the curves `|y|=1-x^2a n dx^2+y^2=1` is `(3pi-8)/3` (b) `(pi-8)/3` `(2pi-8)/3` (d) None of these

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  12. If `A_(n)` is the area bounded by y=x and `y=x^(n), n in N,` then `A_(2).A_(3)…A_(n)=`

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  13. The area of the region is 1st quadrant bounded by the y-axis, `y=(x)/(4), y=1 +sqrt(x), and y=(2)/(sqrt(x))` is

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  14. The area of the closed figure bounded by `y=(x^2)/2-2x+2` and the tangents to it at `(1,1/2)a n d(4,2)` is `9/8s qdotu n i t s` (b) `3/8s qdotu n i t s` `3/2s qdotu n i t s` (d) `9/4s qdotu n i t s`

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  15. The area of the region bounded by `x^(2)+y^(2)-2x-3=0 and y=|x|+1` is

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  16. The area enclosed by the curve `y=sqrt(4-x^2),ygeqsqrt(2)sin((xpi)/(2sqrt(2)))` , and the `x-a xi s` is divided by the `y-a xi s` in the ratio. `(pi^2-8)/(pi^2+8)` (b) `(pi^2-4)/(pi^2+4)` `(pi-4)/(pi-4)` (d) `(2pi^2)/(2pi+pi^2-8)`

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  17. The area bounded by the curve `y^(2)=1-x` and the lines `y=(|x|)/(x),x=-1, and x=(1)/(2)` is

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  18. The area bounded by the curves `y=(log)_e xa n dy=((log)_e x)^2` is `e-2s qdotu n i t s` (b) `3-es qdotu n i t s` `es qdotu n i t s` (d) `e-1s qdotu n i t s`

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  19. The area bounded by `y = 3-|3-x|` and `y=6/(|x+1|)` is

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  20. Find the area enclosed between the curves: `y = log_e (x + e) , x = log_e (1/y)` & the x-axis.

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  21. Find the area enclosed the curve y=sin x and the X-axis between `x=0 and x=pi`.

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  22. The area bounded by `y=x^(2),y=[x+1], 0 le x le 2` and the y-axis is where `[.]` is greatest integer function.

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  23. The area of the region bounded by the parabola `(y-2)^(2) = x- 1`, the tangent to the parabola at the point `(2,3)` and the x-axis is

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  24. The area bounded by the curves `y=x e^x ,y=x e^(-x)` and the line `x=1` is `2/e s qdotu n i t s` (b) `1-2/e s qdotu n i t s` `1/e s qdotu n i t s` (d) `1-1/e s qdotu n i t s`

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  25. The area of the region whose boundaries are defined by the curves `y=2cosx , y=3tanx ,a n dt h ey-a xi si s` `1+31n(2/(sqrt(3)))s qdotu n i t s` `1+3/2 1n3-31n2s qdotu n i t s` `1+3/2 1n3-1n2s qdotu n i t s` `1n3-1n2s qdotu n i t s`

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  26. Area bounded by `y=sec^-1x`,`y=cot^-1x` and line x=1 is given by

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  27. The area bounded by the curve `y=3/|x| and y+|2-x|=2` is

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  28. The area enclosed by `y=x^(2)+ cos x" and its normal at "x=(pi)/(2)` in the first quadrant is

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  29. `"Given "f(x)=int_(0)^(x)e^(t)(log_(e)sec t- sec^(2)t)dt, g(x)=-2e^(x) tan x,` then the area bounded by the curves `y=f(x) and y=g(x)` between the ordinates `x=0 and x=(pi)/(3),` is (in sq. units)

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  30. Area bounded by the curve `x y^2=a^2(a-x)` and the y-axis is `(pia^2)/2s qdotu n i t s` (b) `pia^2s qdotu n i t s` (c) `3pia^2s qdotu n i t s` (d) None of these

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  31. Aea of the region nclosed between the curves `x=y^2-1` and `x=|y|sqrt(1-y^2)` is

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  32. The area bounded by the loop of the curve `4y^2=x^2(4-x^2)` is given by (1) `7/3` (2) `8/3` (3) `11/3` (4) `16/3`

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  33. The area enclosed by the curves `x y^2=a^2(a-x)a n d(a-x)y^2=a^2x` is

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  34. The area bounded by the two branches of curve `(y-x)^2=x^3` and the straight line `x=1` is `1/5s qdotu n i t s` (b) `3/5s qdotu n i t s` `4/5s qdotu n i t s` (d) `8/4s qdotu n i t s`

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  35. The area bounded by the curves `y=sin^(-1)|sin x|and y=(sin^(-1)|sin x|)^(2)," where "0 le x le 2pi`, is

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  36. Consider two curves `C_1: y^2=4[sqrt(y)]x a n dC_2: x^2=4[sqrt(x)]y ,` where [.] denotes the greatest integer function. Then the area of region enclosed by these two curves within the square formed by the lines `x=1,y=1,x=4,y=4` is `8/3s qdotu n i t s` (b) `(10)/3s qdotu n i t s` `(11)/3s qdotu n i t s` (d) `(11)/4s qdotu n i t s`

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  37. The area enclosed between the curve `y^(2)(2a-x)=x^(3)` and the line x=2a above the x-axis is

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  38. The area of the region of the plane bounded by `max(|x|,|y|)lt=1a n dx ylt=1/2` is

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  39. Find tha area of the region containing the points `(x, y)` satisfying `4 le x^(2) + y^(2) le 2 (|x|+ |y|)`.

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  40. Let f(x) be a non-negative continuous function such that the area bounded by the curve y=f(x), the x-axis, and the ordinates `x=(pi)/(4) and x=betagt(pi)/(4)" is "beta sin beta +(pi)/(4)cos beta +sqrt(2)beta.` Then `f'((pi)/(2))` is

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Exercise (Single) questions and complete solutions for chapter AREA of CENGAGE of Class 12