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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Numerical) of chapter MONOTONICITY AND MAXIMA MINIMA OF FUNCTIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Numerical)
Number Of Questions20
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `alpha` is an integer satisfying `|alpha|lt=4-|[x]|,` where `x` is a real number for which `2xtan^(-1)x` is greater than or equal to `ln(1+x^2),` then the number of maximum possible values of `a` (where [.] represents the greatest integer function) is_____

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  2. From a given solid cone of height H, another inverted cone is carved whose height is h such that its volume is maximum. Then the ratio `H/h` is

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  3. `L e tf(x)={x^3+x^2+3x+sinx|(3+s in1/x ,),x!=0. 0x=0` then the number of point where `f(x)` attains its minimum value is_____

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  4. Leg `f(x)` be a cubic polynomial which has local maximum at `x=-1a n df(x)` has a local minimum at `x=1.` If `f(-1)=10a n df(3)=-22 ,` then one fourth of the distance between its two horizontal tangents is ____________

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  5. consider P(x) to be a polynomial of degree 5 having extremum at x=-1,1 and `lim_(xrarr0) p(x)/(x^(3))-2=4` Then the value of P(x)_____.

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  6. If `m` is the minimum value of `f(x , y)=x^2-4x+y^2+6y` when `xa n dy` are subjected to the restrictions `0lt=xlt=1a n d0lt=ylt=1,` then the value of `|m|` is________

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  7. For a cubic function `y=f(x),f^(x)=4x` at each point `(x , y)` on it and it crosses the `x-a xi s` at `(-2,0)` at an angle of `45^0` with positive direction of the x-axis. Then the value of `|(f(1))/5|` is_______

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  8. Number of integral values of `b` for which the equation `(x^3)/3-x=b` has three distinct solutions is____

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  9. `L e tf(x)={x+2,x<-1x^2,-1lt=x<1(x-2)^2,xgeq1` Then number of times `f^(prime)(x)` changes its sign in `(-oo,oo)` is___

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  10. The number of nonzero integral values of `a` for which the function `f(x)=x^4+a x^3+(3x^2)/2+1` is concave upward along the entire real line is___________

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  11. `L egf(x)={x^(3/5),ifxlt=1-(x-2)^3,ifx >1` Then the number of critical points on the graph of the function is___

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  12. A right triangle is drawn in a semicircle of radius `1/2` with one of its legs along the diameter. If the maximum area of the triangle is `M` , then the value of `32sqrt(3)M c` is______

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  13. A rectangle with one side lying along the x-axis is to be inscribed in the closed region of the `x y` plane bounded by the lines `y=0,y=3x ,a n dy=30-2xdot` If `M` is the largest area of such a rectangle, then the value of `(2M)/(27)` is_______

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  14. The least integral value of `x` where `f(x)=(log)_(1/2)(x^2-2x-3)` is monotonically decreasing is________

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  15. The least area of a circle circumscribing any right triangle of area `9/pi` is ___________

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  16. `L e tf(x)={|x^2-3x|+a ,0lt=x<3/2-2x+3,xgeq3/2` If `f(x)` has a local maxima at `x=3/2` , then greatest value of `|4a|` is _________

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  17. Let `f(x)=30-2x -x^3`, the number ofthe positive integral values of x which does satisfy `f(f(f(x)))) gt f(f(-x))` is

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  18. Let f(x) =`{{:(x(x-1)(x-2),(0lexltn),sin(pix),(nlexle2n):}`
    least value of n for which f(x) has more points of minima than maxima in [0,2n] is _____.

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  19. Number of critical point of the function f(X) =x+`sqrt(|x|)` is _______.

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  20. consider `f(X) =(1)/(1+|x|)+(1)/(1+|x-1|)` Let `x_(1)` and `x_(2)` be point wher f(x) attains local minmum and global maximum respectively .If `k=f(x_(1))+f(x_(2))` then 6k-9=________.

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Exercise (Numerical) questions and complete solutions for chapter MONOTONICITY AND MAXIMA MINIMA OF FUNCTIONS of CENGAGE of Class 12