Class 12 | PHYSICS |
Number Of Questions | 23 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Categorize the motion as periodic or oscillatory motion
(I) Motion of planets around the sun.
(ii) A weighted test tube floating in a liquid pressed down and released
(ii) Motion of hands of a clock.
A nurse in a hospital , noted for a patient that heart was beating 75 times a minutes. Find its frequency and time period.
Which of the following functions of time represented (a) periodic and (b) non-periodic motion ? Given the period for each case of periodic motion `( omega` is any positive constant(i)`sin omega t-cos omega(ii) log ( 2 omega)`
Which of the following functions of time represents (a) simple harmonic motion and (b) periodic motion? Given the period for each case.
i. `Sin omega t - cos omegat` ii. `Sin^(2)omegat`
Categories the following function of time `3 sin ( 2 omegat - (pi)/( 4))` as
(a) SHM , (b) Periodic but not SHM. Also give the period.
Figure depicts two circular motions. The radius of the circle, the period of revolution, the initial position and the sense of revolution are indicated on the figure. Obtain the SHMs of the x-projection of the radius vector of the rotating particle P in each case.
In the figure, dots and arrows show the position and the velocity of a paritcle executing SHM. What are the phases at the five indicated instants when the position at time t is given by
`x = Asin (omega t + phi)`
Plot the corresponding reference circle for given SHM, indicate the initial `( t=0)` position of the paritcle, the radius of the circle , and the angular speed of the rotating paritcle. Consider anticlockwise direction for rotation. `x= - 3 sin ( 2 t + (pi)/(4))` (Express in the form , `x=` Acos ( omega t + phi))`.
Find the time taken by the paritcle in going from `x=0` to `x= (A)/(2)` where A is the amplitude.
A particle executes SHM with a time period of 2s and amplitude 10 cm . Find its (i) Displacement (ii) Velocity (iii) Acceleration after 1/6 s, Starting from mean position.
A particle of mass 2 kg executing SHM has amplitude 10 cm and time period 1s. Find (a) the angular frequency (b) the maximum speed (c ) the maxmum acceleration (d) the maximum restoring force ( e) the speed when the displacement from the mean position is 8 cm (f) the speed after `(1)/(12)s` the particle was at the extreme position (g) the time taken by the particle to go directly from its mean position to half the amplitude (h) the time taken by the particle to go directly from its extreme position to half the amplitude.
The speed of a particle executing SHM with amplitude of displacement 5 cm is `3 cm //s ` at a distance 2.5 cm from mean position. What will be its speed at a distance `2.5 sqrt(3)` from mean position?
Two identical springs of spring constant k are attached to a block of mass m and to fixed supports as shown in figure . Show that when the mass is displaced from its equilibrium position on either side, it executes a simple harmonic motion. Find the period of oscillation.
Howdoes the huge ball `( 5.4 xx 10^(5) kg )` hanging on the `22^(nd)` floor of one of the world's tallest builgind ( chapter opening question mentioned in the introduction) counter the sway of the building?
A block whose mass is 2 kg is fastened on a spring whose spring constant is 100 `Nm^(-1)` . It is pulled to a distance of 0.1 m from over a frictionless surface and is released at t=0. Calculate the kinetic eneryg of the block when it is 0.05 m away from its mean position.
A particle executes SHM with amplitude A and time period T. When the displacement from the equilibrium position is half the amplitude , what fractions of the total energy and kinetic and potential?
A particle of mass 0.2 kg is excuting SHM of amplitude 0.2 m. When it passes through the mean position its kinetic energy is `64 xx 10^(-3) J` . Obtain the equation of motion of this particle if the initial phase of oscillation is `pi//4`.
A 2.5 kg collar is attached to a spring of spring constant `250 Nm^(-1)` . It slides without friction over a horizontal surface . It is displaced from its equilibrium position by 220 cm and releasd. Calculate the period of osciallation and the maximum speed.
Calculate the length of a Second's pendulum ( the pendulum which ticks seconds) .
If the length of a simple pendulum of a clock incrreases by `2%` how much loss or gain of second per day will take place ?
For the damped oscillator shown in previous Figure, the mass m of the block is 400 g, `k=45 Nm^(-1)` and the damping constant b is `80 g s^(-1)`. Calculate .
(a) The period of osciallation ,
(b) Time taken for its amplitude of vibrations to drop to half of its initial value and
(c ) The time taken for its mechanical energy to drop to half its initial value.
The following figure depicts two circular motions. The radius of the circle, the period of revolutin the initial position and the sense of revolution are indicated on the figure. Obtain the simple harmoic motion of the x-projection of the radius vector of the rotating particle P in each case.
A block of mass M attached to the free end of a spring of force constant k is nounted on a smooth horizontal table as shown in figure.
The block executes SHM with amplitude A and frequency f . If an object of mass m is put on it, when the block is passing through its equilibium position and the two move together ,then what is the new amplitude and frequency of vibration?
EXAMPLE 1 questions and complete solutions for chapter OSCILLATIONS of PHYSICS of Class 12