Complete Solutions to SECTION-H (MULTIPLE TRUE FALSE TYPE QUESTIONS) of chapter WORK, ENERGY AND POWER of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions10
Academic Year2023-24
  1. STATEMENT-1: Work done by the net force acting on a particle is equal to the change in its kinetic energy.
    STATEMENT-2: Change in potential energy is always equal to the work done by external forces.
    STATEMENT-3: Work energy theorem is not applicable, if the work is done by the non-conservative forces

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  2. STATEMENT-1: Work-energy theorem is consequence of Newton's laws of motion.
    STATEMENT-2: The work done by a conservative force along a closed path is zero.
    STATEMENT3: Work done by a constant force is independent of the path.

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  3. STATEMENT - 1 : Potential energy has a minimum at the position of stable equilibrium. ltbgt STATEMENT-1: Potential energy has a minimum at the position of stable equilibrium.
    STATEMENT-2: Mechanical energy of a system is always positive
    STATEMENT 3-: Work done by the friction may be positive
    identify the correct combination of true (T) and false (F) of the given three statements

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  4. Choose the correct combination of true (T) or fale (F) for the statements.
    STATEMENT-1: A particle may be accelerating in a reference frame even if net extermal force on the particle is zero.
    STATEMENT-2: Newton's laws are valid only in frames at rest.
    STATEMENT-3: Work done by a force depends on reference frame.

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  5. STATEMENT-1: When a machine gun fires n bullets per second each with kinetic energy k, power of the gun is P = nk
    STATEMENT-2: Power P = work done/time.
    STATEMENT-3: For uniform circular motion the instantaneous power delivered by centripetal force is always zero.

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  6. A man rowing a boat upstream is at rest with respect the bank.
    STATEMENT-1: The man is doing no work with respect to ground.
    STATEMENT-2: The man is doing a positive work with respect to stream.
    STATEMENT-3: Work done does not depend in frame of reference.

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  7. STATEMENT -1: Work don on a body A by B must be equal and opposite and the woek done by A on B
    STATEMENT-2: if body undergoes a displacement under the action of a force, then the force must have done some work.
    STATEMENT-3: When we climb the stairs, it is the work done by the stairs which increases our potential energy.

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  8. STATEMENT-1: Kilowatt hour is a unit of power
    STATEMENT-2: Work done energy have same SI units.
    STATEMENT-3: Dimensions of work is `ML^(2)T^(2).`

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  9. STATEMENT-1: If a car and truck hacve same momentum then the tr5uck has more kinetic energy
    STATEMENT-2: If a car and truck have same kinetic energy then the truck has more momentum.
    STATEMENT-3: If a car and truck have same kinetic energy then both have same momentum

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  10. STATEMENT-1: If a spring is elongated it does positive work
    STATEMENT-2: If a spring is compressed it foes negative work
    STATEMENT-3: Spring does not work whether it is elongated or compressed as it is non-living

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SECTION-H (MULTIPLE TRUE FALSE TYPE QUESTIONS) questions and complete solutions for chapter WORK, ENERGY AND POWER of PHYSICS of Class 12