Complete Solutions to TRY YOURSELF of chapter LAWS OF MOTION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions67
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following has more inertia ?
    (a) a rubber ball and a stone of the same size.
    (b)a bicycle and a train.
    (c) a five rupee coin and a one-rupee coin.

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  2. An astronaut accidentally gets separated out his small spaceship accelerating in interstellar space at a constant rate of `100ms^(-2)` . What is the acceleration of the astronaut the instant after he is outside the spaceship? (Assume that there are no nearby stars to exert gravitional force on him)

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  3. Why does the horse rider falls falls forward when a horse at full gallop stops suddenly ?

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  4. Why does the horse rider falls falls forward when a horse at full gallop stops suddenly ?

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  5. Give reason for the statement that " The rotating wheels of any vehicle throw out mud, if any tangentially".

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  6. Can a body remain at rest position when external forces are acting on it?

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  7. What will be the net acceleration of given block of mass 2 kg kept on a smooth surface ?

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  8. A car of mass 800 kg is moving with a constant velocity 40 km/h . Find the net force on it.

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  9. How much force is required to stop a bus ( in 10 seconds) of mass 5000 kg moving with a speed of 72 km/h?

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  10. A constant force of 5 N can produce an acceleration of 1 `m//s^(2)` on the body of mass `m_(1)` and 2`m//s^(2)` on the body of mass `m_(2)` . If both the masses are tied together and same force is applied then what will be the acceleration of the system ?

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  11. A car weighing 1600 kg moving with a velocity of 30 m/s retards uniformly coming to rest in 2 seconds . Calculate the
    (i) Initial and final momentum of the car
    (ii) Rate of change of momentum of the car .
    (iii) Acceleration of the car .

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  12. Walking becomes difficult, When the ground is covered with snow or sand this is because

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  13. If a man jumps out from a boat, the boat moves backwards. Why?

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  14. A cannon of mass 100 kg is kept on a frictionless floor. If a cannon ball of mass 1 kg is fired from it with a speed of 200 m/s. With what velocity the cannon will move ?

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  15. Why does the heavier guns are preffered over lighter ones ?

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  16. A bomb of mass 12 kg explodes into two piece of masess 4 kg and 8kg . The velocity of mass 4 kg is 20 m/s . Find the velocity of mass 8 kg

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  17. A girl of mass 25 kg running with a speed of `1*5 m/s` jumps on a skateboard of mass 2 kg kept on a surface . What will be their combined velocity ?

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  18. Find the tension in the strings AC and BC shown in figure.

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  19. Find `T_(1) and T_(2)` in the given figure .

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  20. Figure shows a three blocks are connected by strings. Its free body diagrams and find forces of interaction

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  21. Draw the free body diagram of following also find the tension in each string

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  22. Two masses `m_(1)` and `m_(2) ( m_(2) gt m_(1))` are hanging vertically over frictionless pulley. The acceleration of the two masses is `:`

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  23. Two blocks of masses 2 kg and 4kg tied to a spring passing over a frictionless pulley . What will br the magnitude of acceleration of the masses, when they are allowed to move freely ?

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  24. In the given figure, what will be the acceleration of block of mass 7 kg ?

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  25. What will be the tension `T_(1) and T_(2)` in the given figure ?

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  26. Three blocks P,Q and R of masses 5 kg, 4 kg and 3kg respectively are connected by a light inextensible string and they are moved on a smooth horizontal plane. If a force of 24 N is applied to the string connected to R , tensions `T_(1) and T_(2)` in the string are

    (1) 20 N, 5N (2) 5N, 20 N
    (3) 10 N, 18 N (4) 18 N, 10 N

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  27. A stone of weight W is thrown straight up from the ground with an intial speed u. If a drag force of constant magnitude f acts - on the same through out its flight , the speed of stone just before reaching the ground is
    (1) `usqrt((W-f)/W)` (2) `usqrt((W+f)/f)`
    (3)` u sqrt((W+f)/(W-f))` (4) ` u sqrt((W-f)/(W+f))`

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  28. Determine the maximum acceleration of the truck in which a box lying on the floor of its back will remain stationary , given that the coefficient of stastic friction between the box and trucks 's floor is `0*2` .

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  29. Why is it difficule to climb up a greasy pole ?

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  30. STATEMENT -1 : Friction always opposes motion .
    STATEMENT - 2 : Lesser the friction on a surface it is easier to walk on it.
    STATEMENT -3 : Soles of shoes gets flat due to friction .

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  31. A ball rolled on ice with a velocity of 14 `ms^(-1)` comes to rest after travelling 40 m . Find the coefficient of friction . (Given `g = 9.8 m//s^(2)`

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  32. An aircraft executes a horizontal loop at a speed of 540 km/h with its wings banked at `45^(@)` What is the radius of the loop?

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  33. A curved road of diameter `1*8` km is banked so that no friction is required at a speed of 30 `ms^(-1)`. What is the banking angle ?

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  34. Which of the following bodies have more inertia?
    (i) A metal ball and a rubber ball of the same size.
    (b) A car and a bus.

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  35. An astronaut accidentally gets separateed out of his small spaceship accelerating in inter-stellar space at a constant rate of `50ms^(-2)`. What is the acceleration of the astronaut the instant after he is outside the spaceship? (Assume that there are no nearby stars to exert gravitational force on him.)

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  36. Why does an athlete run some distance, before taking a long jump?

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  37. Why does the horse rider falls forward when a horse at full gallop stops suddenly?

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  38. Give reason for the statement that "The rotating wheels of any vehicle throw out mud, if any tangentially".

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  39. Can a body remain at rest position when external forces are acting on it?

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  40. What will be the net acceleration of a given block of mass 2kg kept on a smooth surface?

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  41. A car of mass 800 kg is moving with a constant velocity 40 km/h. Find the net force on it.

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  42. How much force is required to stop a bus (in 10 seconds) of mass 5000 kg moving with a speed of 72 km/h?

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  43. A constant force of 5N can produce an acceleration of 1 `m//s^(2)` on the body of mass `m_(1) and 2m//s^(2)` on the body of mass `m_(2)`. If both the masses are tied together and same force is applied, then what will be the acceleration of the system?

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  44. A car weighing 1600 kg moving with a velocity of 30 m/s retards uniformly coming to rest in 20 seconds. Calculate the
    (i) Initial and final momentum of the car.
    (ii) Rate of change of momentum of the car.
    (iii) Acceleration of the car.

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  45. A particle of mass m moves with constant speed v on a circular path of radius r. Find magnitude of average force on it in half revolution.

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  46. On an object of mass 1 kg moving along x-axis with constant speed 8 m/s, a constant force 2 N is applied in positive y-direction. Find its speed after 4 seconds.

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  47. The position (X)-time (t) graph for a particle of mass 1 kg moving along x-axis is shown in figure. Find impulse on particle at t = 4 s.

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  48. A ball of mass 1 kg is dropped from 20 m height on ground and it rebounds to height 5m. Find magnitude of change in momentum during its collision with the ground. (Take `g=10m//s^(2)`)

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  49. Why is it difficult to walk on sand?

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  50. If a man jumps out from a boat, the boat moves backwards. Why?

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  51. A cannon of mass 100 kg is kept on a frictionless floor. If a cannon ball of mass 1 kg is fired from it with a speed of 200 m/s. With what velocity the cannon will move?

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  52. Why does the heavier guns are preferred over lighter ones?

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  53. A bomb of mass 12 kg explodes into two pieces of masses 4 kg and 8 kg. The velocity of mass 4 kg is 20 m/s. Find the velocity of mass 8 kg.

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  54. A girl of mass 25 kg running with a speed of 1.5 m/s jumps on a skateboard of mass 2 kg kept on a smooth surface. What will be their combined velocity?

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  55. Find `T_(1) and T_(2)` in the given figure.

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  56. Find the tension in the strings AC and BC shown in figure.

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  57. Three blocks, P, Q and R of masses 5 kg, 4 kg and 3 kg respectively are connected by a light inextensible string and they are moved on a smooth horizontal plane. If a force of 24 N is applied to the string connected to R, tensions `T_(1) and T_(2)` in the string are

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  58. What will be the tension `T_(1) and T_(2)` in the given figure?

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  59. Two blocks of masses `m_(1) and m_(2)(m_(1) gt m_(2))` connected by a massless string passing over a frictionless pulley Magnitude of acceleration of blocks would be

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  60. Two blocks of masses 2 kg and 4 kg tied to a string passing over a frictionless pulley. What will be the magnitude of acceleration of the masses, when they are allowed to move freely?

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  61. In the given figure, what will be acceleration of block of mass 7 kg?

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  62. Determine the maximum acceleration of the truck in which a box lying on the floor of its back will remain stationary, given that the coefficient of static friction between the box and truck's floor is 0.2.

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  63. Why is it difficule to climb up a greasy pole ?

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  64. Does friction always oppose the motion?

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  65. A ball rolled on ice with a velocity of `14 ms^(-1)` comes to rest after travelling 20 m. Find the coefficient of friction. (Given `g=9.8m//s^(2)`)

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  66. An aircraft executes a horizontal loop at a speed of 540 km/h with its wings banked at `45^(@)`. What is the radius of the loop?

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  67. A curved road of diameter 1.8 km is banked so that no friction is required at a speed of `30ms^(-1)`. What is the banking angle?

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TRY YOURSELF questions and complete solutions for chapter LAWS OF MOTION of PHYSICS of Class 12