Class 12 | PHYSICS |
Number Of Questions | 31 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Plank's constant (h), speed of light in vacuum (c) and Newton's gravitational constant (G) are taken as three fundamental constants.
Which of the following combinations of these has the dimensions of length?
In dimension of circal velocity `v_(0)` liquid following through a take are expressed as `(eta^(x) rho^(y) r^(z))` where `eta, rhoand r `are the coefficient of viscosity of liquid density of liquid and radius of the tube respectively then the value of `x,y` and `z` are given by
If energy `(E )` , velocity `(V)` and time `(T)` are chosen as the fundamental quantities , the dimensions formula of surface tension will be
If force `(F)`, velocity `(V)` and time `(T)` are taken as fundamental units, then the dimensions of mass are
In an experiment four quantities a,b,c and d are measure with percentage error `1% , 2% , 3%`,and `4%` respectively quantity is P is calculate as follow
`P = (a^(3)b^(2))/(cd) %` error in `P` is
The damping force on an oscillator is directly proportional to the velocity .The units of the constant of propotionality are
The dimensions of `(mu_(0)epsilon_(0))^(-1//2)` are
The density of material in CGS system of units is `4gcm^(-3)`. In a system of units in which unit of length is 10 cm and unit of mass is 100 gm, then the value of density of material will be
A student measures that distance traversed in free fall of a body, initially at rest in given time. He uses this data to estimated `g`, the acceleration due to gravity. If the maximum percentage error in measurement of the distance and the time are `e_(1)` and `e_(2)`, respectively, the percentage error in the estimation of `g` is
The dimensions of `(1)/(2) in_(0) E^(2)`, where `in_0` is permittivity of free space and E is electric field, is :-
If the dimensions of a physical quantity are given by `M^(a)L^(b)T^(c)`, then the physical quantity will be :
Which two of the following five physical parameters have the same dimension?
(1) Energy density
(2) refractive index
(3) dielectric constant
(4) Young's modulus
(5) magnitic field
If the error in the measurement of radius of a sphere in `2%` then the error in the determination of volume of the spahere will be
Dimension of resistance in an elecatrical circuit, in terms of dimension of mass `M`, of length `L`, of time `T`, and of current `I`, would be
The velocity v of a particle at time t is given by `v=at+b/(t+c)`, where a, b and c are constants. The dimensions of a, b, c are respectively :-
The ratio of the dimensions of plank's constant and that of the moment of inertia is the dimension of
The pair of quantities having same dimensions is
The dimensions of `mu_(0)` are
The dimensions of surface tension are
The dimensions of pressure are
Percentage erros in the measurement of mass and speed are 2% and 3% respectively. The error in the estimation of kinetic energy obtained by measuring mass and speed will be:
Which of the following is a dimensional constant?
Show that time constant `(tau = RC)` of `R - C` circuit has the dimensions of time.
The dimensions of impulse are equal to that of
The density of a cube is measured by measuring its mass and length of its sides. If the maximum error in the measurement of mass and lengths are 3% and 2% respectively, the maximum error in the measurement of density would be
An equation is given as `(p +(a)/(V^(2))) = b(theta)/(V)`,where `p=` pressure `V=` volumen and `theta =` absolute temperature. If a and b are constants, then dimensions of a will be
Which of the following dimensions will be the same as that of time?
The dimensional formula for magnetic flux is
Which pair do not have equal dimensions?
The dimensions of plank's constant is same as that of
The dimensions of universal gravitational constant are :-
ASSIGNMENT (SECTION - C) questions and complete solutions for chapter UNITS AND MEASUREMENTS of PHYSICS of Class 12