Class 12 | MATHS |
Number Of Questions | 41 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Represent graphically
(a) A displacement of 50 km, `30^(@)` south of west
(b) A displacement of 40 km, `60^(@)` north of east
Classify the following measures as scalars and vectors.
(a) 25 kg (b) 25 newton along North
(c ) 45 km/hr (d) 25 ampere
(e ) 50 mile/hr towards East
(f) 50 joule.
In the given figure, which of the vectors are :
(a) Collinear
(b) Equal
(C ) Colinitial
In the given figure, which of the following vector are
(a) collinear and equal (if ABCD are regular pentagon)
(b) coinitial vectors.
Prove that when the sides of a triagle are taken in order, it leads to zero resultant.
If ` vec aa n d vec b` are the vectors determined by two adjacent sides of a regular hexagon, what are the vectors determined by the other sides taken in order?
Find the values of x and y so that the vector `3hati+4hatj ` and `xhati+yhatj` are equal.
Let O be the origin and let A(-8,3) be a point in xy plane. Express `vec(OA)` in terms of vector `vechati`and `hatj`, Also, find `|vec(OA)|`
The position vector `veca` of a point (m,12) is such that `|veca|`=13, find the value of m.
ABCD is a parallegram. If the co-ordinates of A, B,C are (2,3), (1,4) and (0,-2) respectively, find the co-ordinates of D.
Find the values of x,y and z so that vectors `veca=xhati+4hatj+zhatk` and `vecb=3hati+yhatj+hatk` are equal.
Find the unit vector in the direction of vector `veca=4hati+3hatj+hatk`.
Find the unit vector in the direction of the difference of vector `(veca-vecb),veca=4hati+5hatj+6hatk` and `vecb=2hati+3hatj+4hatk`.
Write the direction ratio's of the vector `vec a=4hati-2hatj+hatk` and hence calculate its direction cosines.
Find the distance between the points A(3,2,1), B(-1,2,-3).
The position vector of A,B,C are `(hati+2hatj+3hatk),(-2hati+3hatj+5hatj)` and (`7hati-hatk`) respectively. Prove that A,B and C are collinear.
Find the position vector of the points which divide the join of the points `5veca-4vecb` and `4veca-5vecb` internally and externally in the ratio 4:3 respectively.
If `D` is the mid-point of the side `B C` of a triangle `A B C ,` prove that ` vec A B+ vec A C=2 vec A Ddot`
Prove using vectors: Medians of a triangle are concurrent.
Find the position vector of centroid of a triangle having position vector of its vertices as `2hati+3hatj-4hatk` , `-2hati+3hatj+4hatk` and `-6hatj`
Prove that `GvecA+GvecB+GvecC=vec0`, if G is the centroid of `Delta` ABC.
Show that the points `A,B` and C having position vectors `(3hati - 4hatj - 4hatk), (2hati - hatj + hatk)`and `(hati - 3hatj - 5hatk)` respectively, from the vertices of a right-angled triangle.
Find the angle between two vectors `vecp` and `vecq` are 4,3 with respectively and when `vecp.vecq`=5`.
Find the angle `'theta'` between the vector `veca=2hati+3hatj-4hatk` and `vecb=3hati-2hatj+4hatk`.
If `veca=5hati-hatj-3hatk` and `vecb=hati+3hatj-5hatk`, then show that the vectors `veca+vecb` and `veca-vecb` are perpendicular.
Find the projection of the vector `veca=3hati+2hatj-4hatk` on the vector `vecb=hati+2hatj+hatk`.
Find `|veca-vecb|`, if two vector `veca` and `vecb` are such that `|veca|=4,|vecb|=5` and `veca.vecb=3`
If `vecp` is a unti vector and `(vecy-vecp).(vecy+vecp)=8`, then find `|vecy|`
For any two vectors `vecp` and `vecq`, show that `|vecp.vecq| le|vecp||vecq|`.
For any two vectors `veca and vecb` prove that `|veca+vecb|lt+|veca|+|vecb|`
Show that the three points `-2hati+3hatj+5hatk, hati+2hatj+3hatk, 7hati-hatk` are collinear
Prove that the area of the parallelogram with diagonal `veca` and `vecb` is `(1)/(2)|vecaxxvecb|`
Show that the asreas of the parallelogram having diagonals `3hati+hatj-2hastk andhati-3hatj+4hatk is 5sqrt(3)`
If `veca` and `vecb` are any two vectors , then prove that `|vecaxxvecb|^(2)=|veca|^(2)|vecb|^(2)-(veca.vecb)^(2)=|{:(veca.veca,veca.vecb),(veca.vecb,vecb.vecb):}|` or `|vecaxxvecb|^(2)+(veca.vecb)^(2)=|veca|^(2)|vecb|^(2)` (This is also known as Lagrange identily)
Find `vecaxxvecb` if `veca=i+hatk` and `vecb=hati+hatj+hatk`.
Find a unit vector perpendicular to both the vectors `hati-2hatj+hatk` and `hati+2hatj+hatk`.
If `veca,vecb,vecc` are coplanar vectors then find value of `[veca-vecb+vec2c vecb-vec c+2veca veca+2vecb-vec c]`
The edges of a parallelopiped are of unit length and a parallel to non-coplanar unit vectors `hata, hatb, hatc` such that `hata.hatb=hatb.hatc=hatc.veca=1//2`. Then the volume of the parallelopiped in cubic units is
Solve for `vec x,vecx xx vec b=veca`, where `veca,vecb` are two given vectors such that `veca` is perpendicular to `vecb`.
VECTOR ALGEBRA | LINEAR COMBINATION LINEAR INDEPENDENCE AND LINEAR DEPENDENCE | Definition and physical interpretation: Linear Combination, Linear Combination: Linear Independence And Linear Dependence, Linearly Independent, Linearly Dependent, Theorem 1: If `veca` and `vecb` are two non collinear vectors; then every vector `vecr` coplanar with `veca` and `vecb` can be expressed in one and only one way as a linear combination: x`veca`+y`vecb`., Theorem 2: If `veca`, `vecb` and `vecc` are non coplanar vectors; then any vector `vecr` can be expressed as linear combination: x`veca`+y`vecb`+z`vecc`, Theorem 3:If vectors `veca`, `vecb` and `vecc` are coplanar then det(`veca` `vecb` `vecc`) = 0, Examples: Prove that the segment joining the middle points of two non parallel sides of a trapezium is parallel to the parallel sides and half of their sum., Components of a vector in terms of coordinates of its end points
If `veca,vecb,vec c,vecd` are the position vectors of the verticles of a cyclic quadrilateral ABCd prove that
`(|vecaxxvecb+vecbxxvecd+vecd xxveca|)/((vecb-veca).(vecd-veca))+(|vecbxxvec c+veccxxvecd+vecd xxvecb|)/((vecb-vecc).(vecd-vecc))=0`
EXAMPLE questions and complete solutions for chapter VECTOR ALGEBRA of MATHEMATICS of Class 12