Class 12 | MATHS |
Number Of Questions | 33 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Let `A=[{:(costheta,sintheta),(-sintheta,costheta):}]`, then `abs(2A)` is equal to
Evaluate `|(1,omega,omega^2),(omega,omega^2,1),(omega^2,omega,omega)|` where `omega` is cube root of unity.
If `A` is a square matrix of order `n ,` prove that `|Aa d jA|=|A|^n`
The value of the determinant `|{:(1,x,x^2),(1,y,y^2),(1,z,z^2):}|` is equal to
The value of the determinant `|{:(1,x,x^2),(1,y,y^2),(1,z,z^2):}|` is equal to
If A is `3xx3` matrix and `|A|=4`, then `|A^(-1)|` is equal to
If A is a square matrix of order 3 such that `||A` =3, then find the value of `|a d j(a d jA)|dot`
If A, B and C are three sqare matrices of the same order such that A = B + C, then det A is equal to
If `delta =|(a_1,b_1,c_1),(a_2,b_2,c_2),(a_3,b_3,c_3)|` then the value of `|(2a_1+3b_1+4c_1,b_1,c_1),(2a2+3b_2+4c_2,b_2,c_2),(2a_3+3b_3+4c_3,b_3,c_3)|` is equal to
If the system of equations `x + 4ay + az = 0 and x + 3by + bz = 0 and x + 2cy + cz = 0` have a nonzero solution, then `a, b, c ( != 0)` are in
Let `ax^3+bx^2+cx+d=|{:(3x,x+1,x-1),(x-3,-2x,x+2),(x+3,x-4,5x):}|` then the value of d is
Let `x + y + z = 6, 4x + lambday - lambdaz = 0,3x + 2y - 4z = -5.` The value of `lambda` for which given system of equations does not have a unique solution is
If `A+B+C=pi`, then value of `|{:(sin(A+B+C),sinB,cosC),(-sinB,0,tanA),(cos(A+B),-tanA,0):}|` is
The value of `theta` lying between `0` and `pi/2` and satisfying the equation `|[1+sin^2theta,cos^2theta,4sin4theta] , [sin^2theta,1+cos^2theta,4sin4theta] , [sin^2theta,cos^2theta,1+4sin4theta]|=0` (A) `(7pi)/24 or (11pi)/24` (B) `(5pi)/24` (C) `pi/24` (D) none
` |[x,-6,-1],[2,-3x,x-3],[-3,2x,x+2]|`=0
If `|{:(4,-4,0),(a,b+4,c),(a,b,c+4):}|=0`, then `a+b+c` is equal to
The equation `|{:(x-2,3,1),(4x-2,10,4),(2x-1,5,1):}|=0` is satisfied by
`|{:(x,4, y+z),(y,4,z+x),(z,4,x+y):}|` is eqaual to
`|{:(a,b,c),(b,c,a),(c,a,b):}|` is equal to
The roots of the equation `|{:(x-1,1,1),(1,x-1,1),(1,1,x-1):}|=0` are
The value of the determinant `|{:(1,log_ba),(log_ab,1):}|` is equal to
`|{:(1+a,c,1+bc),(1+a,b,1+bc),(1+a,e,1+bc):}|` is equal to
if `[[-a^2,ab,ac],[ab,-b^2,bc],[ac,bc,-c^2]]=lambda a^2b^2c^2` then find the value of `lambda`
If `f(x) =|(1,x,(x+1)),(2x,x(x-1),(x+1)x),(3x(x-1), x(x-1)(x-2),x(x-1)(x+1))|` then f(50)+f(51)..f(99) is equal to
`|{:("6i " "-3i " "1" ),("4 " " 3i" " -1"),("20 " "3 " " i"):}|`=x+iy then
If the system of equations `x-k y-z=0, k x-y-z=0,x+y-z=0` has a nonzero solution, then the possible value of `k` are `-1,2` b. `1,2` c. `0,1` d. `-1,1`
If s=(a+b+c),then value of `|{:(s+c,a,b),(c,s+a,b),(c,a,s+b):}|`is
The number of distinct real roots of `|s in x cos x cos x cos x s in x cos x cos x cos x s in x|=0` in the interval `-pi/4lt=xlt=pi/4` is `0` b. `2` c. `1` d. `3`
If `a, b,c> 0` and `x,y,z in R` then the determinant: `|((a^x+a^-x)^2,(a^x-a^-x)^2,1),((b^y+b^-y)^2,(b^y-b^-y)^2,1),((c^z+c^-z)^2,(c^z-c^-z)^2,1)|` is equal to
The determinant `D=|{:(cos(alpha+beta),-sin(alpha+beta),cos2beta),(sinalpha,cosalpha,sinbeta),(-cosalpha,sinalpha,cosbeta):}|` is independent of :-
The roots of equation `|(1,4,20),(1,-2,5),(1,2x,5x^2)|=0` are
Let `a , ba n dc` detnote the sides `B C ,C Aa n dA B` respectively of ` A B Cdot` If `|1a b1c a1b c|=0`
The parameter on which the value of the determinant `|1a a^2"cos"(p-d)xcosp x"cos"(p+d)x"sin"(p-d)xsinp x"sin"(p+d)x|` does not depend is `a` b. `p` c. `d` d. `x`
SECTION A questions and complete solutions for chapter DETERMINANTS of MATHEMATICS of Class 12