Class 12 | PHYSICS |
Number Of Questions | 16 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
The magnetic field produced around a straight line wire when current flows through it is
A : A point charge cannot exert force on itself.
R : Coulomb force is a central force.
A: Net magnetic force expericneed by a current carrying loop in a uniform magnetic field is always zero.
R. A current loop placed in a uniform magnetic field never experiences a torque.
A: The trajectory of a charge when it is projected perpendicular to an electric fiedl is a parabola.
R: A moving charge entering parallel to the magnetic field lines moves in a circular path.
A: Like currents repel and unlike currents attract each other (in conductor).
R: Magnetic force acts in the direction of current.
A: A magnetic dipole experiences maximum torque when it is placed normal to the magnetic field.
R: The minimum potential energy of magnetic dipole is zero.
A: The relation between magnetic moment and angular momentum is true for every finite size body.
R: Ratio of magnetic dipole moment and angular momentum is just dependent on specific charge of the body.
A: When currents vary with time, Newton's third law is valid only if momentum carried by the electromagnetic field is taken into account.
R: Magnetic field lines always form closed loops.
A: In the expression for Lorentza force, `vecF=q(vecvxxvecB+vecE)`. If one switches to a frame with instantaneous velcoity `vecv`
R: There exists an appropriate electric field in the new frame.
A: Ampere circuital law is not independent of the Biot- Savart's law.
R: Ampere's Circuital law can be derived from the Blot Savart law.
A: The work done by magnetic field on a moving charge is zero.
R: The magnetic force acting on a moving charge has no component in the direction of velocity.
A: In any magnetic field region the line integral `ointvecB.vec(dl)` along a closed loop is always zero.
R: The magnetic field `vecB` in the expressioin `oint vecB.vec(dl)` is due to the currents enclosed only by the loop.
A: The magnetic field always accelerates a moving charge if the moving charge cuts the field lines.
R: When a moving charge cuts the magnetic field lines, the magnetic force on the charge is always non zero.
A: The magnetic moment of a current carrying planar loop does depend on the space of the loop.
R: The magnetic moemnt is a vector quantity.
A: magnetic field is produced by moving charges(s).
R: The magnetic field in the central region of a solenoid is uniform.
A: In the middle to high latitudes on a dark night an aurora or the curtain of light hangs down from the sky. This curtain is local, several hundred kilometer high, several thousand kilometer long but less than 1 km thick.
R: Electrons and protons trapped in the helical terrestiral magnetic field collide with atoms and molecules of air, causing that air to emit light.
SECTION D questions and complete solutions for chapter MOVING CHARGE AND MAGNESIUM of AAKASH INSTITUTE ENGLISH of Class 12