Class 12 | MATHS |
Chapter | INTEGRALS |
AAKASH INSTITUTE | Objective Type Questions (Only one answer) |
Number Of Questions | 70 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Evaluate : `intsqrt(1+2cotx("cosec"x+cotx))dx`
`int(x^2-1)/(xsqrt(x^4+3x^2+1)`dx is equal to
Primitive of `(3x^4-1)/(x^4+x+1)^2` w.r.t. x is
Evaluate: `int(1)/(x)ln((x)/(e^(x)))dx=`
Evaluate: `int((2x+1))/((x^(2)+4x+1)^(3//2))dx`
`int e^(tan^(-1)x) ((1+x+x^2)/(1+x^2))dx`
`int(dx)/(cosx+sinx)` is equal to
`int\ (tan^(-1)x - cot^(-1)x)/(tan^(-1)x + cot^(-1)x) \ dx` equals
`intsin2x*log_(e)cosxdx` is equal to
`int\ 7^(7^(7^x)) * 7^(7^x) * 7^x \ dx`
If `int f(x)dx=f(x)`, then `int {f(x)}^(2)dx` is equal to
`int(cot^(-1)(e^x))/e^xdx` is equal to
value of `e^(tantheta)(sectheta-sintheta)d(theta)` is equal to
The value of `int(1-x^7)/(x(1+x^7))dx` is equal to
`int(x^4+1)/(x(x^2+1)^2)dx=Aln|x|+B/(1+x^2)+C ,`
If `int e^(3x)cos4xdx=e^(3x)(Asin4x+Bcos4x)+C`, then:
`int(2x^(2)+3)/((x^(2)-1)(x^(2)+4))dx=alog((x+1)/(x-1))+b"tan"^(-1)(x)/(2)` , then (a,b) is
`intsinx d (cosx)` is equal to
`int(dx)/(x*(lnx)(ln(lnx)).......(lnlnln...lnx)_(20\ "times")` is equal to
If `int(dx)/(3sqrt(sin^(11)x*cosx))=-(a(b+ctan^(2)x))/(d tan^(2)x(tanx)^(2//3))+k`, then `a+b+c+d` equal to
`"If " int sqrt("cosec"x+1)dx=k fog(x)+c, " where " k ` is a real constant, then
`int{1+tanx*tan(x+A)}dx=cotA*ln|f(x)|+C` then f(x) equal to
The value if `int(x^(2)-1)/((x^(2)+1)(sqrt(x^(4)+1)))dx` equal to `(1)/(sqrt(2))sec^(-1)(f(x))+c`, then `f(x)` is
If `intf(x)cos x dx = 1/2 f^(2)(x)+C`, then `f(x)` can be
Evaluate: `int(x^2-1)/((x^4+3x^2+1)tan^(-1)(x+1/x))dx`
If the value of `lim_(n->oo){1/(n+1)+1/(n+2)+.......+1/(6n)}` is `'K'` then find value of `(K - log_e 6)?`.
If `[]` and `{ }` represents greatest integar function and fractional function then `int_(-1)^(1)([x]+{x}+|x|)dx` equals
Value of `int_(1)^(9)(x-2)(x-4)(x-6)(x-8)(x-5)dx` is
The solution for x of the equation `int_(sqrt(2))^x(dt)/(tsqrt(t^2-1))=pi/2` is: (1) 2 (2) `pi` (3) `(sqrt(3))/2` (4) `2sqrt(2)`
Evaluate: `int_1^oo (e^(x+1)+e^(3-x))^(-1)dx`
`int_(0)^(3)(|x|+|x-1|+|x-2|)dx` equals
If for a real number `y ,[y]` is the greatest integral function less, then or equal to `y ,` then the value of the integral `int_(pi/2)^((3pi)/2)[2sinx]dx` is `-pi` (b) 0 (c) `-pi/2` (d) `pi/2`
Let `y=(x-[x])^([x])` where `[x]` is greatest integar function, then `int_(0)^(3)y dx` equals
Evaluate `(int_(0)^(n)[x]dx)/(int_(0)^(n){x}dx)` (where `[x]` and `{x}` are integral and fractional parts of `x` respectively and `n epsilon N`).
If `f(x)={(e^cosx sinx ,, |x| leq 2),(2 ,, other wise):}`. Then `int_-2^3 f(x)dx=`______
Find the value of `int_(-pi)^(pi)(cos^(2)x)/(1+a^(x))dx, agt0`.
Let f(x) be a continuous function such that f(a-x)+f(x)=0 for all ` x in [0,a]`. Then, the value of the integral
`overset(a)underset(0)int (1)/(1+e^(f(x)))dx` is equal to
`I_(1)=int_(0)^((pi)/2)(sinx-cosx)/(1+sinxcosx)dx, I_(2)=int_(0)^(2pi)cos^(6)dx`,
`I_(3)=int_(-(pi)/2)^((pi)/2)sin^(3)xdx, I_(4)=int_(0)^(1) In (1/x-1)dx`. Then
Let f and g be continuous fuctions on [0, a] such that `f(x)=f(a-x)" and "g(x)+g(a-x)=4 " then " underset0oversetaintf(x)g(x)dx` is equal to
`int_(-2)^0{(x+1)^3+2+(x+1)cos(x+1)dx` is equal to (A) -4 (B) 0 (C) 4 (D) 6
Let `f(x)=(e^(x)+1)/(e^(x)-1) and int_(0)^(1) x^(3) .(e^(x)+1)/(e^(x)-1) dx= alpha "Then" , int_(-1)^(1) t^(3) f(t) dt` is equal to
Value of the definite integral `int_(-1/2)^(1/2)(sin^(- 1)(3x-4x^3)-cos^(- 1)(4x^3-3x))dx`
Let `f(x)=int_(0)^(x)(sin^(100)t)/(sin^(100)t+cos^(100)t)dt`, then `f(2pi)=`
`int_(0)^(pi)(x.sin^(2)x.cosx)dx` is equal to
`int_0^1000 e^(x-[x])dx`
The value of the definite integral `int_(19)^37((x)^2+3(sin2pix))dx` where (x) denotes the fractional part functicn
If `l_(n)=int_(0)^((pi)/(4)) tan^(n) xdx` show that `(1)/(l_(2)+l_(4)),(1)/(l_(3)+l_(5)),(1)/(l_(4)+l_(6)),(1)/(l_(5)+l_(7)),"...."` from an AP. Find its common difference.
The value of `("lim")_(n rarr oo)sum_(r=1)^(4n)(sqrt(n))/(sqrt(r)(3sqrt(r)+sqrt(n))^2)` is equal to
`underset(kto0) lim``1/kint_0^k(1+sin2x)^(1/x)dx`
Let f(x) be a function satisfying`f'(x)=f(x)` with`f(0) =1` and g(x) be a function that satisfies `f(x) + g(x) = x^2` . Then the value of the integral `int_0^1f(x) g(x) dx`, is
Suppose that `F(x)` is an anti-derivative of `f(x)=(sinx)/x ,w h e r ex > 0.` Then `int_1^3tan^(-1)dx` can be expressed as `F(6)-F(2)` (b) `1/2(F(6)-f(2))` `1/2(F(3)-f(1))` (d) `2(F(6))-F(2))`
If `f(x)=[{:(sqrt(1-x), , , 0 le x le 1),((7x-6)^(-1) , , ,1 le x le 2):}` then `int_(0)^(2)f(x)dx` equals
If `f:RrarrR` defined by `f(x)=sinx+x`, then find the value of `int_0^pi(f^-1(x))dx`
The value of `int_0^100 [tan^-1 x]dx` is, (where [*] denotes greatest integer function)
`Iff(x)={0,w h e r ex=n/(n+1),n=1,2,31,e l s e w h e r e` `t h e nt h ev a l u eofint_0^2f(x)dxi s` 1 (b) 0 (c) 2 (d) `oo`
Let `g(x)` be a continous and differentiable function such that
`int_(0)^(2) {int_(sqrt2)^(sqrt(5//2))[2x^(2)-3]dx} g(x)dx=0, "then" g(x)=0`
when `x in (0,2)` has (where,`[.]` denotes the greatest integer function )
Let `d/(dx)F(x)=(e^(sinx))/x . x lt0`. If `int_(1)^(4)(2e^(sinx^(2)))/xdx=F(k)-F(1)` then find the possible value of `k`.
`f:(0,infty)rarrR and F(x)=int_(0)^(x)t f(t)dt`
If `F(x^(2))=x^(4)+x^(5),"then" underset(r=1)overset(12)(Sigma)f(r^(2))` is equal to S
`int_(-pi//4) ^(pi//4) x^(3) sin^(4) xdx=`
The value of `int_(-10)^(10)[{f(f(x)}+{f(f((1)/(x))}]dx`, where `f(x)=(1-x)/(1+x)`
The value of `int_(-2)^(2)(ax^(2011)+bx^(2001)+c)dx`, where `a`, `b`, `c` are constants depends on the value of
If for non zero `x`, `3f(x)+4f((1)/(x))=(1)/(x)-10`, then the value of `int_(2)^(3)f(x)dx` is
The value of `int_(2010pi+(pi)/(6))^(2010pi+(pi)/(3))(sinx+cosx)dx` is
Let `int_(a)^(b)f(x)dx=int_(a+c)^(b+c)f(x-c)dx`. Then the value of `int_(0)^(pi)sin^(2010)x*cos^(2009)xdx` is
If `x^(f(x))=e^(x-f(x))`, then the value of integral `int_(1)^(2)f'(x){(1+logx)^(2)}dx+1` is
If `overset(x)underset(e )int t f(t)dt=sin x-x cos x-(x^(2))/(2)` for all `x in R-{0}`, then the value of `f((pi)/(6))` will be equal to
The value of the integral `int_(-2012pi)^(2012pi) {d/dx(int_0^(x^2) cost^2 dt} dx` is
The value of `int_(-2010pi)^(2010pi) {x^2011(1+tan(pi/3-x)(1+tan(x-pi/12))}dx` is
Let `f(x)=min{|x+2|,|x|,|x-2|}` then the value of the integral `int_-2^2 f(x)dx` is
Objective Type Questions (Only one answer) questions and complete solutions for chapter INTEGRALS of AAKASH INSTITUTE ENGLISH of Class 12