Class 12 | MATHS |
Number Of Questions | 39 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
The formula giving the altitude y(m) in terms of time t ( seconds ) of an object moving vertically is `y=y_(0)+v_(0)t-16t^(2)`, where `y_(0)` is initial altitude and `v_(0)` is initial velocity .
If `y_(0)=8 and v_(0)=48 m//s ` , what are the altitude , velocity and acceleration of the object when t=2s ?
The vessel is filled with 1000 litres of water at 8 a.m. The volume of water in this vessel at t hours after it is filled is observed to be `v(t=1000-200t+5t^(2)`. What is the rate of change of volume (i) at 8:a .m. (ii) at noon (12:00 p.m.)?
A manufacturer's total cost of production ( in Rs.) of x things is ` f(x)=1000+10^(-10) x^(4)`. What is the marginal cost when 1200 things are produced ?
The total revenue ( in rupees ) received from the sale of x units of LCD is given by `R(x)=1000x^(2)+50x+10`. Find the marginal revenue , when 10 units of LCD is sold.
Consider a police going 60km/hour sees speeder to be going 20 km/hour away from him when x=0.8 km and y=0.6 km. Find the original speed of speeder at that time ? (see the diagram )
2 m ऊंचाई का आदमी 6 m ऊंचे बिजली के खंभे से दूर 5 km/h की समान चाल से चलता है| उसकी छाया की लमबायी की वृद्धि की दर ज्ञात कीजिए |
Volume of a cube is increasing at the rate of `9 cm^3//s` if the length of its side is equal to 10 cm than at what rate its surface area is increasing?
A stone is dropped into a well and progressive waves are moving in circles at a speed of 6cm per second . At the instantt when the radius of circular wave is 15 cm, how fast is enclosed area changing ?
Show that `f(x)=[x]`, ([] implies greatest integer function ) is increasing function on R.
Show that `f(x)=1/x` is a decreasing function on `(0,\ oo)` .
Prove that funciton given by
(i) `f(x)=x^(2)` is
(a) Strictly increasing in ` x in (0,oo)`
(b) Strictly decreasing in ` x in (-oo,0)`
(ii) `f(x)=tan x ` is strictly increasing in ` x in (npi-(pi)/(2),n pi+(pi)/(2))`, where ` n in I`.
Find the interval in which the function f given by `f(x)=x^(2)-2x+3` is
(a) Strictly increasing
(b) Strictly decreasing
Prove that `f(x)=tan ^(-1)(sin x + cos x ),x gt 0 ` `f(0,pi/4)` is increasing function
Find the slope of tangent to curve `y=x+2log x at x=1.
Distance between the points on the curve `4x^2 + 9y^2 = 1`, where tangent is parallel to the line 8x = 9y, is less than
Find the point at which the tangent to the curve `y=(3)/(5)x^(5)-(5)/(3)x^(3)-x` has its slope equal to -3
Find pints on the curve `(x^2)/9+(y^2)/(16)=1` at which the tangents are (i) parallel to x-axis (ii) parallel to y-axis.
Find the equation of a line having slope is equal to 2,which touching the curve`y+2/(x-3)=0 `
Find the equation of the tangent to the curve `y=(x-7)/((x-2)(x-3)` at the point where it cuts the x-axis.
Find the equations of the tangent and the normal to the curve `x^(2//3)+y^(2//3)=2` at `(1,\ 1)` at indicated points.
Find the equation of tangent to the curve given by ` x=2 sin^(3)t ,y=2 cos^(3)t` at a point where ` t=(pi)/(2)` ?
The normal to the curve `x=a(cos theta + theta sin theta), y=a(sin theta - theta cos theta)` at any `theta` is such that
Prove that the segment of tangent to ` xy=c^(2)` intercepted between the axes is bisected at the point at contact .
Find the equations of tangent to the curve `y=x^(4)` which are drawn from the point (2,0).
Find the approximate value of `sqrt(36.6.)`
If the radius of a sphere is measured as 9cm with an error of 0.03 cm, then find the approximate error in calculating its volume.
Find the approximate value of `sin((5pi)/(16))` .
Find the maximum and minimum value if any , of the function f given by `f(x)=5-|x-1|`.
Find the maximum and minimum value if any , of the function f given by `f(x)=x^(6)-5 `.
Find the points of local maxima and minima of the function `f(x)=x^(2)-4x`.
Find the points of local maxima and local minima of the function `f(x)=2x^(3)-3x^(2)-12x+8`.
Find the maximum , minimum values of following functions ( using graphical approach )
(a) `y=|x|, x in R `
(b) `y=|sin x|, x in R `
Find local minimum value of the function f given by `f(x)=3+|x|,x in R`.
Let `f(x)=2x^(3)-3(a+b)x^(2)+6abx`. If ` a gt b` , determine the local maximum / minimum points of f(x). If a=b, how will the answer change ?
Find local maximum and local minimum values of the function f given by`f(x)=3x^4+4x^3-12 x^2+12`.
Find all the points of local maxima and local minima of the function f given by `f(x)=2x^3-6x^2+6x+5`.
The operating cost of a truck is `12+(x/6)` per km when the truck travels x km/hour. If the driver earns 6 Rs. per hour, what is the most economical speed to operate the truck on a 400 km road? Also due to construction, the truck can travel only between 35 and 60 km/hour?
Let AP and BQ be two vertical poles at points A and B, respectively. If `A P = 16 m , B Q = 22 m a n d A B = 20 m`, then find the distance of a point R on AB from the point A such that `R P^2+R Q^2`is minimum.
Find the absolute maximum and absolute minimum vlaues of a function f given by `f(x)=2x^(3)-(33x^(2))/(2)+36x+2` on the interval `[-1,9]`.
TRY YOURSELF questions and complete solutions for chapter APPLICATION OF DERIVATIVES of AAKASH INSTITUTE ENGLISH of Class 12