Class 12 | MATHS |
Number Of Questions | 16 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
A is a matric of order `3 xx 3`. If A'=A and five entries in the matrix are of the kind are remaining four are of another king. Then the maximum number of such matrices is greater then or equal to
Consider matrix `A=[a_(ij)]_(nxxn)`. Form the matrix `A-lamdal, lamda` being a number, real of complex.
`A-lamdal=[{:(a_11-lamda,a_12,...,a_(1n)),(s_21,a_22-lamda,...,a_(2n)),(...,...,...,...),(a_(n1),a_(n2),...,a_(n n)-lamda):}]`
Then det `(A-lamdaI)=(-1)^n[lamda^n+b_1lamda^(n-1)+b_2lamda^(n-2)+...+b_(n)]`.
An important rheorem tells us that the matrix A satisfies the equation `X^n+b_1x^(n-1)+b_2x^(n-2)+...+b_2=0.` This equation is called hte characteristic equation of A. For all the questions on theis passeage, take `A=[{:(1,4),(2,3):}]`
The matrix A satisfies the matrix equation
Consider matrix `A=[a_(ij)]_(nxxn)`. Form the matrix `A-lamdal, lamda` being a number, real of complex.
`A-lamdal=[{:(a_11-lamda,a_12,...,a_(1n)),(s_21,a_22-lamda,...,a_(2n)),(...,...,...,...),(a_(n1),a_(n2),...,a_(n n)-lamda):}]`
Then det `(A-lamdaI)=(-1)^n[lamda^n+b_1lamda^(n-1)+b_2lamda^(n-2)+...+b_(n)]`.
An important rheorem tells us that the matrix A satisfies the equation `X^n+b_1x^(n-1)+b_2x^(n-2)+...+b_2=0.` This equation is called hte characteristic equation of A. For all the questions on theis passeage, take `A=[{:(1,4),(2,3):}]`
Which of the follwing is inverse fo A ?
Consider matrix `A=[a_(ij)]_(nxxn)`. Form the matrix `A-lamdal, lamda` being a number, real of complex.
`A-lamdal=[{:(a_11-lamda,a_12,...,a_(1n)),(s_21,a_22-lamda,...,a_(2n)),(...,...,...,...),(a_(n1),a_(n2),...,a_(n n)-lamda):}]`
Then det `(A-lamdaI)=(-1)^n[lamda^n+b_1lamda^(n-1)+b_2lamda^(n-2)+...+b_(n)]`.
An important rheorem tells us that the matrix A satisfies the equation `X^n+b_1x^(n-1)+b_2x^(n-2)+...+b_2=0.` This equation is called hte characteristic equation of A. For all the questions on theis passeage, take `A=[{:(1,4),(2,3):}]`
The matrix A satisfies the matrix equation
Matrix theory can be aplied to investigate the conditions under which a given system of linear equations possesses unique, indinite or no solutions. Consider the system of non-homogeneous linear equations in 3 unknowns
and answer the questions that follow.
The systme possesses a unique solution if
Matrix theory can be aplied to investigate the conditions under which a given system of linear equations possesses unique, indinite or no solutions. Consider the system of non-homogeneous linear equations in 3 unknowns
and answer the questions that follow.
The systme possesses a unique solution if
Matrix theory can be aplied to investigate the conditions under which a given system of linear equations possesses unique, indinite or no solutions. Consider the system of non-homogeneous linear equations in 3 unknowns
and answer the questions that follow.
The systme possesses a unique solution if
A and B are two matrices of same order `3 xx 3`, where `A=[{:(1,2,3),(2,3,4),(5,6,8):}],B=[{:(3,2,5),(2,3,8),(7,2,9):}]`
The value of adj (adj A) is,
A and B are two matrices of same order `3 xx 3`, where `A=[{:(1,2,3),(2,3,4),(5,6,8):}],B=[{:(3,2,5),(2,3,8),(7,2,9):}]`
Value of |adj (adj adj( adk A)))| is
A and B are two matrices of same order `3 xx 3`, where `A=[{:(1,2,3),(2,3,4),(5,6,8):}],B=[{:(3,2,5),(2,3,8),(7,2,9):}]` Value of |adj (adj adj( adj A)))| is
Consider the matrix `A=[{:(0,-h,-g),(h,0,-f),(g,f, 0):}]` STATEMENT-1 : Det A = 0 STATEMENT-2 :The value of the determinant of a skew symmetric matrix of odd order is always zero.
Consider the determinants `Delta=|{:(2,-1,3),(1,1,1),(1,-1,1):}|,Delta'=|{:(2,0,-2),(-2,-1,1),(-4,1,3):}|`
STATEMENT-1 `Delta'=Delta^2`.
STATEMENT-2 : The determinant formed by the cofactors of the elements of a determinant of order 3 is equal in value to the square of the original determinant.
Statement 1: Matrix `[{:(a,0,0,0),(0,b,0,0),(0,0,c,0):}]` is a diagonal matrix.
Statement 2: If `A = [a_(ij)]`is a square matrix such that `a_(ij)=0AAi ne j`, then `A` is called a diagonal matrix.
A square matrix `[a_(ij)]` such that `a_(ij)=0` for `i ne j and a_(ij) = k` where `k` is a constant for `i = j` is called _____
STATEMENT-1 : The system of equations x + ky + 3z =0, 3x + ky - 2z =0, 2x+3y-z=0, possesses a non-trival solution.
then value of k is `31/2`
STATEMENT -2 Three linear equations in x, y, z can never have no solution if it is homogeneous, hence exactly two types of possible solution.
Statement-1 f(x) = `|{:((1+x)^(11),(1+x)^(12),(1+x)^(13)),((1+x)^(21),(1+x)^(22),(1+x)^(23)),((1+x)^(31),(1+x)^(32),(1+x)^(33)):}|`
the cofferent of x in f(x)=0
Statement -2 If P(x)=`a_(0)+a_(1)x+a_(2)x^(2)+a_(2)x_(3) +cdots+a_(n)s^(n)` then `a_(1)=P'(0)`, where dash denotes the differential coefficient.
SECTION - D questions and complete solutions for chapter DETERMINANTS of AAKASH INSTITUTE ENGLISH of Class 12