Complete Solutions to Example of chapter CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS AND PERIODICITY IN PROPERTIES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions14
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Eka-aluminium and Eka -silicon are known as :

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  2. What would be the `IUPAC` name and symbol for the element with atomic number `120`?

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  3. How would you justify the presence of 18 elements in the 5th period of the Periodic Table?

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  4. On moving across the period in the p-block what is expected to the oxidizing power of the elements ?

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  5. The elements `Z = 117` and `120` have not yet have been discovered, In which family`//`group would you place these elements and also give the electronic configuration in each case.

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  6. Considering the atomic number and position in the periodic table, arrange the following elements in the increasing order of metallic character : Si, Be, Mg, Na, P.

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  7. Which of the following species will have the largest and the smallest size `Mg, Mg^(2+), Al, Al^(3+)`?

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  8. On the basis of their positions in the periodic table which among the following will have the largest atomic radii ?
    Be, N, O, Ne

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  9. The first ionisation enthalpy `(Delta_(i)H^(o-))` values of the third period elements, `Na, Mg` and `Si` are respectively `496, 737` and `786 kJ mol^(-1)`. Predict whether the first `Delta_(i)H^(o-)` value for `Al` will be more close to `575` or `760 kJ mol^(-1)`? Justify your answer.

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  10. Which of the following will have the most negative electron gain enthalpy and which have the least negative? `P, S, Cl, F`. Explain your answer.

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  11. Fluorine is more electronegative than chlorine. Is the statement true ?

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  12. Using the perodic table, perdict the formulas of compounds which might be formed by the following pairs of elements : (a) silicon and bromine (b) aluminium and sulphur.

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  13. Are the oxidation state and covalency of Al in `[AlCl(H_(2)O)_(5)]^(2+)` same ?

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  14. Show by a chemical reaction with water that `Na_(2)O` is a basic oxide and `Cl_2O_(7)` is an acidic oxide.

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Example questions and complete solutions for chapter CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS AND PERIODICITY IN PROPERTIES of AAKASH INSTITUTE ENGLISH of Class 12