Class 12 | BIOLOGY |
AAKASH INSTITUTE | Assignment(section D) |
Number Of Questions | 10 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Assertion :In `C_(4)` plants, the chloroplasts of bundle sheath cells are granal.
Reason: PS II is mostly found in the appressed part of granum.
Assertion : Dark reactions of photosynthesis are temperauture -controlled processes.
Reason : Most of the reactions are enzymatic in nature.
Assertion : Dark acidification of cytoplasm occurs in CAM plants.
Reaon : Orgnaic acids are decarboxylated during night.
A : Assimilatory power in photosynthesis is generated in ETS occuring in thylakoid membrane.
R: They are needed for `CO_(2)` reduction and RuBP regeneration.
A : Light hahrvesting complexes ( LHC) on thyrakoid membrane broaden the range of light absorption.
R: They transfer ` e^(-)` to reaction centre.
A: For every `CO_(2)` molecule entering `C_(3)` j cycle , three molecules of ATP and two NADPH are required .
R: Cyclic photophosphorylation takes place to meet the difference in number of ATP.
A : Carotenoids protect plant from excessive heat and prevent photoxidation of chlorophyll.
R : Carotenodis enable a wider range of wavelength of incoming light to be utilised for photosynthesis.
A : Biosynthetic phase of phtosynthesis depend directly on presence of light .
R: Both ATP and NADPH are not essential for assimilation of `CO_(2)` to carbohydrates.
A : most of the photosyntheis takes place in the blue and red region of spectum.
R : Action spectrum shows the amount of energy of different wavelength of light absorbed by pigments.
A : Tropical plants are more efficient in `CO_(2)` untilization.
R : `C_(4)` plants ensure that RuBisCO functions as carboxylase minimising oxygenase acitivity.
Assignment(section D) questions and complete solutions for chapter PHOTOSYNTHESIS IN HIGHER PLANTS of BIOLOGY (ZOOLOGY + BOTANY) of Class 12