Complete Solutions to Questions based on diagram of chapter SPACE MISSIONS of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

TARGET PUBLICATIONQuestions based on diagram
Number Of Questions6
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Observe the following diagram and answer the questions:

    What is the velocity v shown in the figure called gt

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  2. Observe the following diagram and answer the questions:

    Derive the formula for that velocity of satellite assuming the mass of the planet M and mass of satellite as m .

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  3. Observe the following diagram and answer the questions:

    on which factors does the velocity of the satellite depend ?

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  4. Observe the following diagram and answer the questions:

    What all factors are decided depending on the functions of a satellite ?

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  5. Arrange the following figures in order such that they represent the stages involved in a launching of a satellite in space and explain the stages in brief .

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  6. Arrange the satellites mentioned below in their repective orbits in the given figure.
    (i) IBEX (Interstellar Boundary Explorer) [Altitude `~~` 176423 km]
    (ii) International Space station [Altitude `~~` 400km]
    (iii) GLONASS
    (Global Navigation Satellite System)[Altitude`~~` 19130km]
    (iv) Hubble Space Telescope [Altitude`~~` 540km]
    (v) Telstar =1 [Altitude `~~` 3290 km]

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Questions based on diagram questions and complete solutions for chapter SPACE MISSIONS of TARGET PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 10