Complete Solutions to QUESTIONS BASED ON PARAGRAPH of chapter DISASTER MANAGEMENT of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions1
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Disasters certainly affect the economy of the country. This effect is always relative to both the disaster as well as the economy. Thus, if the intensity of the disaster is very high, the effect on the economy will be more. Also if the preparadness of the government agencies to deal with the disaster is poor it affects the economy further. For example, if any port is destroyed, there will be long lasting effects on economy because of the huge expenses on its reconstruction. Disasters also affect social leadership. If the local leadership is not strong enougth, citizens become confused affecting their participation in rescue and rehabilitation activities. Administrative problems also arise during the disaster, wherein if local governing bodies get affected by disaster, the related departments are not able to address the issues of disaster efficiently. This can further lead to collapsing of the entire system.
    Based on the given paragraph answer the following questions.
    i. Does a disaster affect the economy of a nation? Given example.
    ii. How is the effect fo the disaster on the economy relative?
    iii. How can a disaster lead to collapse of a system?

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QUESTIONS BASED ON PARAGRAPH questions and complete solutions for chapter DISASTER MANAGEMENT of TARGET PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 10