Class 10 | BIOLOGY |
CHETAN PUBLICATION | Fill in the blanks and rewrite the completed statement |
Number Of Questions | 45 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
In humans , sperm production occurs in the organ _______
In humans, __________ chromosomes is responsible for maleness.
In male and female reproductive system of human,_________ gland is same.
Implantation of embryo occurs in ___________
_________ type of reproduction occurs without fusion of gametes.
Body breaks up into several fragments and each fragment starts to live as a new individual . This is __________ type of reproduction.
Pollen grains are formed by __________ division in locules of anthers .
Yeast cell produces two daughter nuclei by ___________ division.
The zygote divides by mitosis and __________ is formed.
______________ breaks open on arrival of favourable condition and many amoebulae are released .
__________ and digestive cavity of the budding Hydra are in continuity with those of parent Hydra.
A__________ is formed in the process of fertilization by union of haploid male and female gametes.
___________ is male whorl and its members are called as stamens.
Embryonic development is completed approximately within ___________ after the fertilization .
Encysted Amoeba or any other protist is called ___________
Reproduction in plants with the help of parts like root , stem , leaf and bud is called as _______
Planaria reproduced by __________
Fungi like ___________ have filamentaous body.
In ___________, chromosome number is reduced to half .
____________ is the structural unit of sexual reproduction is plants .
________ are called essential whorls.
Many flowers have stalk for support called as __________
Members of gynoecium are called as__________
_________ is present at the tip of the style.
Testes contain numerous __________.
_________ present in seminiferous tubules divide by meiosis to produce sperms.
__________ is the stoppage of functioning of female reproduction system.
The two main methods of reproduction are ________ and ________
Cell organelles like __________ and __________ perform asexual reproduction by binary fission.
A flower is called as ___________ if both whorls i.e., androecium and gynoecium are present in the same flower .
Formation of zygote by union of sperm and ovum is called as __________
An organ called as _________ is formed for the supply of food material to the embryo in the uterus .
Endometrium of the uterus starts to develop or regenerate under the effect of ________
Corpus luteum secrets the hormone____________
In ___________ technique , fertilization is brought about in test tube .
Women who have problem in implantation of embryo in uterus can take the help of modern technique called ____________.
Twins formed from single embryo are called _______ twins.
If embryonic cells are divided into two groups, 8 days after the zygote formation , there is high possibility of formation of ____
A person's state of physical mental and social strongness is called as _________
If oocyte is not fertilized within 24 hours , corpus luteum becomes inacitve and transforms into ___________
In plants, second male gametes fuses with two polar nuclei to form.
Testes are present in the __________ outside the abdominal cavity .
_________ is formed of sperms and the secrections of prostate glands, cowper's glands and seminal vesicles.
The action of giving birth to young baby is called ___________.
All the organs of male reproductive system are paired except urinogenital duct , penis and ______________
Fill in the blanks and rewrite the completed statement questions and complete solutions for chapter LIFE PROCESSES IN LIVING ORGANISM PART-2 of CHETAN BIOLOGY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 10