Class 10 | BIOLOGY |
Chapter | SAMPLE PAPER 2022 TERM II |
Number Of Questions | 6 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
a. Trace the path a male gamete takes to fertilise a female gamete after being released from the penis.
b. State the number of sets of chromosomes present in a zygote.
Rajesh observed a patch of greenish black powdery mass on a stale piece of bread.
a. Name the organism responsible for this and its specific mode of asexual
b. Name its vegetative and reproductive parts
Mustard was growing in two fields- A and B. While Field A produced brown coloured seeds, field B produced yellow coloured seeds.
It was observed that in field A, the offsprings showed only the parental trait for consecutive generations, whereas in field B, majority of the offsprings showed a variation in the progeny.
What are the probable reasons for these?
In an asexually reproducing species, if a trait X exists in 5% of a population and trait Y exists in 70% of the same population, which of the two trait is likely to have arisen earlier? Give reason.
DDT was sprayed in a lake to regulate breeding of mosquitoes. How would it affect the trophic levels in the following food chain associated with a lake? Justify your answer.
In the following food chain, vertical arrows indicate the energy lost to the environment and horizontal arrows indicate energy transferred to the next trophic level. Which one of the three vertical arrows (A, C and E) and which one of the two horizontal arrows (B and D) will represent more energy transfer? Give reason for your answer.
SECTION A questions and complete solutions for chapter SAMPLE PAPER 2022 TERM II of CBSE MODEL PAPER of Class 10