Class 10 | MATHS |
Number Of Questions | 20 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
What are the measure of central tendency. Define them.
Discuss Arithmetic Mean, Median and Mode in a comparison mannner.
If a constant is added or substracted from the values of a variable, then how their median and mode are changed?
If the values of a variable are multiplied or divided by constant, then how their median and mode are changed?
Find the median of first n-natural numbers.
Find the median of the values of the variable given in the question number 10 in the exercise -1.
Find the median of the prices of salt per quintal in the market of Kolkata, given in the question number 11 in exercise-1.
Find the median and mode of the marks obtained by 30 students given in the question number 11 in exercise-1.
Find the median and mode of the number of family member of 65 families, the frequency distribution of which is given in the question number 13 in exercise - 1.
Find the median and mode of the weights (in kg) of 100 students, the frequency distribution of which is given in question number 14 in exercise -1.
Find the median and mode of the accidents occurred in 30 days, the frequency distribution of which is given in question number 15 in exercise-1.
Find th median and mode of the diameters(in mm) of 80 pipes, the frequency distribution of which is given in question number 16 in exercise-1.
Find the median and mode of the given marks, the frequency distribution is given in question no. 17 in exercise -1.
Find the median and mode of the quantities of coke(in quintal) lifted in 100 days given in question number 18 in exercise-1.
Find the median and mode od the monthly incomes(in rupees) of the workers of an industry given in question number 19 in exercise-1.
The average and median of daily incomes of 500 workers are Rs.2.80 and Rs.3.15, then find the approximate value of the mode of the daily incomes of the workers.
IF the class-frequency of the class 105-140 be 14, then what is its frequency density?
IF the class-frequency of the class 70-105 be 7, then what is its frequency density?
The middle point of a class is `24` and the length of each class is `10`, then calculate the upper and lower limit of the class of the class interval.
The middle point of a class is `m` and the upper limit of the class interval is `u` ,then calculate the lower limit of the class.
EXERCISE questions and complete solutions for chapter MEDIAN AND MODE of CALCUTTA BOOK HOUSE MATHS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 10