Class 10 | CHEMISTRY |
Number Of Questions | 100 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
The colour of methyl orange indicator in acidic medium is
The colour of phenolphthalein indicator in basic solution is
Colour of methyl orange in alkali conditions
A solution turns red litmus blue, its pH is likely to be
One of the following solutions reacts with crushed egg shells to give a gas that turns lime- water milky, the solution is of____
If a base dissolves in water, by what name is it better known?
Which of the following substances when mixed together will produce table salt ?
What colour would hydrochloric acid (pH = 1) turn universal indicator '?
Which one of the following types of medicines is used for treating indigestion ?
What gas is produced when magnesium is made to react with hydrochloric acid ?
Does the bulb glow in acids ?
Which measurements are able to construct a triangle?
What is the chemical name of baking Soda ?
What is a neutralization reaction? Give two examples
How does the flow of acid rain into a river make the survival of aquatic life in a river difficult ?
Why does tooth decay start when the pH of mouth is lower than 5.5?
Which of the following is the most accurate way of showing neutralization ?
Why is universal indicator a better one Than litmus paper ?
Which of the following is used for making toys ?
Brine solution is called
Tooth decay start when the pH of the mouth is lower than-
The chemical formula of hydrated copper sulphate is-
If the pH value of a solution is 12, then the character of solution of the solution is
Which of the following is used in cakes or pastries to making them light and fulffy ?
Which salt is used in the manufacture of borax?
Which of the following is the reason for the bluish green colour solution, when copper oxide reacts with dilute HCl ?
Excess of sodium hydroxide reacts with zinc to form
__is a mild non-corrosive base.
Which of the following is the weakest acid ?
Formula of bleaching powder
Which of the following gas is liberated, when sodium carbonate is reacted with Hydrochloric acid ?
Which one of the following is the weakest base?
Because which of the absence of following ions, in the glucose and alcohol solution the bulb did not glow ?
reaction in which acid reacts with the base forming salt and water is called as?
Which of the following mild base is used on the stung area gives relief ?
Bases which are soluble in water are called as?
Which of the following is used to enhance the taste of food ?
___is slightly soluble in water.
Stinging hair of leaves of nettle plant, Inject ______ acid causing burning pain
Which of the following acid is produced by human's stomach ?
Which of the following precipitate is formed on mixing calcium hydroxide with carbon dioxide ?
Which of the following is obtained recrystallization of sodium carbonate ?
__ is produced by action of chlorine on dry slaked lime.
Acidic substancs contains ions.
pH for base is more than
What is neutralization reaction?
`H_2O+ ____ to H_3O^+`
The aqueous solution of -------- conducts electricity.
Which of the following substance is used as an antichlor ?
Which of the following substance has the lowest pH value?
the acid formed in stomach is-
Many salts absorb water from atmosphere this property is called
Antacid medicine is used for indigestion because
Antacids are used………
Tooth paste is…………… nature.
Which one of the following types of medicines is used for treating indigestion ?
Metal oxide + Acid `to` salt + Water. To perform this reaction in your lab. You should collect
Test tube 'P' contain `NaHCO_3` solution. Test tube 'Q' contain lemon juice. On introducing pH paper strips on both of them it is observed that the pH paper turns.
Match the following Set A with Set B.
Acid should be added to water but not water to the acid. Why ?
Match the following.
Identify the pair of pH values of strong acid and strong base in the following.
The acid which enters the body by the sting of bee is
Which one of the following metals reacts both with acid and base and release hydrogen gas ?
The gas that turns lime water to milky is _____ .
Which one of the following is given to a person who suffers from acidity to get relief from it ?
An aqueous solution of the salt is acidic which of the following acids and bases react to give this salt ?
Select a pair of basic salts among the following.
Which of the following is oxide mineral
An acid is regarded as strong if it :
Which property is mostly related to the acids ?
Bases on ionisation release
The two colours seen at the extreme end of the pH chart are :
Which of the following has pH = 0 ?
Which is not required to find the pH of a solution ?
If the pH of a solution is 13, this means that it is :
How do Plaster of Paris obtain from gypsum?
Bleaching powder is obtained by the reaction chlorine with
The difference of water molecules in one molecule of each gypsum and plaster of paris is
A few drops of methyl orange are added to a soap solution the colour of the solution becomes-
A few drops of methyl orange are added to a soap solution the colour of the solution becomes-
A few drops of aqueous NaOH are dropped on a pH paper. The colour of the pH paper will turn to :
Which of the following metal does not produces dihydrogen gas with dilute hydrochloric acid?
Observe the figure.Which is base among them ?
Observe the box. Which is the weak acid among them ?
Four students were given colourless liquids A,B,C of water, lemon juice and a mixture of water and lemon juice respectively. After testing these liquids with pH paper, following sequences in colour change of pH paper were reported.
Blue, Red and Green
Orange, Green and Green
Green, Red and Red
Red, Red and Green
What happens when a solution of an acid is mixed with a solution of a base in a test tube ?
The temperature of the solution increases
The temperaure of the solution decreases
The temperature of the solution remains constant
Salt formation takes place
Sodium hydrogen carbonate when added to acetic acid evolves a gas. Which of the following statements are true about the gas evolved ?
It turns lime water milky
It extinguishes burning splinter
It dissolves is a solution of sodium hydroxide
It has pungent odour
Common salt used in kitched as well as be used as the raw material for making :
Washing soda
Bleaching powder
Baking soda
Slaked lime
Bases tum phenophthalein into .................. colour.
__are sour to taste and turn blue litmus to_
The substances that are soapy to touch
reaction in which acid reacts with the base forming salt and water is called as?
__is example of synthetic indicator.
Which gas is usually liberated when an acid reacts with a metal ? How will you test for the presence of this gas ?
When base react with metal___gas is evolved.
reaction in which acid reacts with the base forming salt and water is called as?
mixing an acid or base with water is process called
The p in pH stands for________.
Higher the hydronium ion concentration lower is the _______ value.
EXERCISE questions and complete solutions for chapter ACIDS,BASES AND SALTS of BEYOND PUBLICATION of Class 10