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Using mathematical induction prove that ddx(xn)=nxn1 for all positive integers n.

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Check the given expression for n=1 L.H.S. = ddx ​ (x1 )= dxdx ​ =1
R.H.S. =1.x11 =1
Hence, it is true for n=1
Let the expression be true for n=k
Now, check for n=k+1 L.H.S. = ddx(xk+1 )= ddx (xkx)=x ddx (xk )+xkddx(x)
=x(kxk1 )+xk (1)=kxk +xk
=(k+1)xk =(k+1)x(k+1)1
Hence, the given expression is true for n=k+1 too.
By principle of mathematical induction,
ddx (xn)=nxn1
